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9 Delicious Ways To Add Collagen Powder To Your Food

Like all things in health and fitness, supplements like collagen powder are most effective with consistent use.

To see the benefits of better skin, stronger joints, and improved digestive health, you need to make collagen intake a daily thing, and that’s not always so easy.

Factor in a busy lifestyle and everyday obstacles, and you may find yourself skipping collagen for days at a time – along with other health keys like exercise and balanced diet.

9 Delicious Ways To Add Collagen Powder To Your Food

That’s why we’re giving you a variety of ways to add collagen powder to food, simplifying the process so you never miss a scoop. Let’s begin.

1. Add to Oatmeal

Morning oatmeal is a staple for people worldwide, and the format lends itself to improvisation with various ingredients.

Berries, seeds, nuts, and milk often make their way into oatmeal bowls, but why not add some collagen powder while you’re at it?

The best powders are hardly noticeable in flavorless form, but other types can bring some much-needed sweetness or chocolatey goodness to a morning meal.

2. Stir into Yogurt

Combine the probiotic properties of yogurt with the existing protein and extra punch of collagen, and you’ve got a certified superfood in the making.

Collagen mixes so easily into yogurt of all kinds, whether it’s the smooth and silky European style or the thick and “fluffy” Greek style.

Low fat or full fat, you can’t go wrong, and there are more flavors to try than you can count.

3. Mix into Tea or Coffee

Gotta have that caffeine boost in the morning, right?

That warm cup of coffee or tea is the perfect chance to get a scoop of collagen powder into your system within an hour of waking.

The powder adds a nice richness to your morning cup, and some products even function as a sort of “creamer” without all the extra calories and artificial flavors.

Just keep your tub of collagen powder near your coffee maker and you’ll always remember to add a scoop.

4. Blend into a Smoothie

The best part of smoothie making is that they’re (almost) impossible to mess up!

You can add everything from fresh fruit and veggies to milk (dairy or plant-based) and all sorts of tasty, nutritious extras.

Whether you’re gaining weight for strength, cutting fat for summer, or just looking for a quick and easy meal replacement, a smoothie with collagen checks all the boxes.

Start putting some mileage on that blender and enjoy the results.

5. Whisk into Eggs

It doesn’t seem obvious, but collagen powder can be whisked seamlessly into eggs and cooked like any other skillet creation.

Omelets, scrambled eggs, frittatas – it all works with flavorless collagen powder in the mix.

Eggs are already a powerhouse of nutrition, so take it to the next level with collagen and get even more sustained energy for the day.

6. Part of Your Protein Shake

Gyms rats rejoice – that collagen powder can be added to your post-workout shake, no problem.

As soon as you finish your last set of weights or jump off the treadmill, you can have collagen and protein powder waiting in your locker for quick consumption.

9 Delicious Ways To Add Collagen Powder To Your Food

We all know that nutrients are absorbed more quickly and effectively following a period of intense exercise, so take advantage of that uptake window and get the most from your collagen products.

7. Bake into (Healthy) Treats

You can bake delicious goods and still enjoy a healthy lifestyle, so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

The key is to keep the sugar and fat low while utilizing healthy alternatives like collagen powder, oats, and natural cocoa.

From there, you can make tasty breakfast bars, muffins, and other classics without fearing a calorie overload.

With collagen-based baked goods, it’s the best of all worlds, so get baking!

8. Amplify Your Fruit Juice

Some foods are metabolic workhorses, such as fruit juice with collagen powder mixed in.

You may be put off at first by the gelatinous texture, but you’ll quickly figure out that this drink is highly energizing and doesn’t result in a sugar crash.

Orange juice is a favorite in the health community, but apple juice and cranberry work just as well.

Better yet, throw some fresh fruit into a juicer to come up with a nutrition-packed creation of your own.

9. Enrich Soups and Stews

When winter comes around, you want to stay warm and satiated without overdoing it on the calories. Adding collagen powder to your favorite soups and stews is the perfect solution.

This is how you achieve the ideal thick texture for these dishes and maintain a stellar nutrition profile all along.

Canned soups tend to be sodium heavy, so see what you can create for yourself in a classic stock pot.

Get the Benefits of Daily Collagen

You will see the results of collagen within just a few weeks of consistent use, so grab yourself a jar and start incorporating this amazing ingredient today.

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