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8 Ways To Reduce Your Household’s Water Consumption

Water is a precious natural resource, but it can be easy to take it for granted, especially in terms of household usage. The average American uses approximately 80 to 100 gallons of water in various applications every single day. This amount of water consumption can add up quickly and can have financial and environmental consequences. Reducing your home’s usage can save you money every month and help conserve this valuable natural resource. Here are some easy ways to cut back.

8 Ways To Reduce Your Household's Water Consumption

1. Switch Your Showerhead

Showers can use a lot of water very quickly, in some cases accounting for almost 20 percent of overall household usage. You can still enjoy a nice hot shower while conserving resources by installing a water-saving showerhead. These modern fixtures can make saving water automatic, so your shower is one less place you have to think about cutting back.

2. Turn Off the Faucet

Most people remember being taught as children to turn off the faucet while washing their hands and brushing their teeth. You can save even more water by shutting the water off while shaving.

3. Repurpose Produce Washing Water

Washing fruits and vegetables can use up a lot of water, especially if you do so under a running faucet. Instead of letting all this water go to waste, you can repurpose it to water your plants. Simply use a large bowl to collect the water while you are washing your produce.

4. Fully Utilize Dishwashers and Washing Machines

Most homes have automatic dishwashers and washing machines. You can get the most efficiency out of this equipment by making sure to only run a cycle with a full load. Additionally, upgrading to a new high-efficiency washing machine can help reduce water consumption even further without sacrificing performance.

5. Create an Automated Watering Schedule

Watering a lawn or garden can be wasteful without proper planning. Installing drip systems in flower beds and vegetable gardens can reduce water usage and also keep plants better hydrated. If you have an automatic sprinkler system, set a watering schedule for early morning or late evening when there is a smaller chance of evaporation.

6. Revolutionize Your Landscaping

While a vast green lawn is part of the stereotypical suburban home, it’s not always the best choice for the environment. If you live in a desert or climate where natural water is scarce, you may want to consider xeriscaping your yard instead. Choosing plants that fit the local climate can reduce unnecessary water usage and also limit your impact on the environment.

7. Set Up Rain Barrels

Capturing rainwater can be a great way to conserve. Rain barrels are widely available in most places and are usually easy to set up and use. Rain collection is subject to local laws, so it’s always good to make sure this practice is allowed in your area before setting up your system.

8. Fix Plumbing Issues Promptly

It can be easy to ignore minor plumbing problems such as a faucet with a slow drip or a toilet with a tiny leak. However, these persistent issues can add up to a large amount of wasted water in a short amount of time. You can reduce your home’s water consumption and lower the risk of further problems by completing plumbing repairs as soon as possible. Hiring a professional plumber can offer many benefits, as a trained expert can complete repairs in a quick and efficient manner.

Water is one of the most invaluable natural resources in existence, and most experts agree that water conservation plays a vital role in maintaining a clean and available supply. You can help this important cause by reducing your home’s water usage by turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth, reusing greywater, and fixing plumbing problems immediately. These simple steps can help support the environment and reduce your water bills as well.

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rachel frampton

Sunday 15th of November 2020

My husband and I would like to have a water Well drilled because this will be beneficial in terms of reducing water bills. Thank you for also sharing here the importance of installing a water-saving showerhead. I'll also keep in mind to remind my husband that he must turn off the faucet while he's shaving.

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