Sleepless nights are a rite of passage for many parents, but they don’t have to last forever. Sleep training can help establish healthy sleep habits for your baby while restoring your sanity. Let me start by saying that I do not embrace traditional sleep training methods. Our babies need us, and I am an advocate for making sure that they are tended to when in distress. But the traditional method is not the only way, so here are eight sleep training tips that truly work.
1. Establish a Consistent Bedtime Routine

To help your baby develop healthy sleep habits, start a bedtime routine early on. This routine should include consistent and comforting activities like bath time and reading before bed. These activities will signal to your baby that it’s time to wind down and prepare for sleep.
2. Stick to Age-Appropriate Sleep Schedules

Understanding infant sleep cycles, wake windows, and rest periods is crucial for establishing healthy sleep habits. Age-appropriate sleep schedules promote better sleep and overall well-being. Preventing overtiredness by recognizing sleep cues and adhering to wake windows is essential. Remember, every baby is unique, so patience and observation are key.
3. Put Your Baby Down Drowsy but Awake

Your baby does not have to be fully asleep to get in bed for the night. Instead, get them to a drowsy state before putting them down. Being drowsy but not fully asleep encourages self-soothing and independent sleep.
4. Be Patient During the Transition

It takes time to get your baby on a schedule. Sleep training doesn’t happen overnight, despite what some mothers suggest. Remember your baby is new and adjusting to their new environment outside of the womb. If you stay consistent, you will see results.
5. Limit Stimulation Before Bedtime

You are in control of your environment. For a baby to wind down, their environment needs to exude calmness. To avoid too much stimulation, keep the lights dim and noises low to create a calm environment. This will work for most babies.
6. Introduce a Lovey or Comfort Item

Many children have comfort items. Such items are typically small, safe objects that can help your baby feel secure. I’ve seen them in the form of comfy blankets or stuffed blanket toys. Whatever helps comfort your child can be a great thing to lay them down with at night.
7. Avoid Rushing in at Every Cry

I agree that you should tend to your baby while in distress, but you do not have to go running at the first cry. Find an interval that works for you, and only intervene after that amount of time has passed. It could be two minutes if that is what you are comfortable with. Waiting a few minutes allows your baby to try and settle back to sleep on their own.
8. Seek Professional Advice If Needed

When in doubt, seek out professional help. A pediatrician or sleep consultant can guide you through sleep challenges and resolutions. They can provide you with alternatives to sleep training and help you work towards better sleep for your baby.
Creating the Best Sleep Habits for Your Baby

Good sleep is essential for both babies and parents. There is no doubt that it takes time, consistency, and patience to nail down the best sleep routine for your baby. With these tips, you can create a nurturing sleep environment that fosters relaxation for everyone.