Having a toddler can be exhausting. Their energy never lets up, even when you are tired and worn out. Sometimes you want to call in sick for the day, but your job as a parent never ends. Thankfully, there are several things you can do to keep your toddler entertained while you recharge. Here are some things I do when I am beyond exhausted but still need to put on a show for my three-year-old.
1. Set Up a Mini Indoor Obstacle Course

Obstacle courses are fun and you can entertain a toddler for an entire day by creating one. I’ve transformed my living room into an adventure zone using pillows, cushions, and furniture. Direct them to crawl under chairs, jump over pillows, or climb onto the couch. Doing this will help them burn some energy and keep them occupied while you look on from the sidelines.
2. Hand Them a Mystery Box

The idea of a “mystery box” is something any toddler would be interested in. Create a “mystery box” filled with household items and toys for them to explore. You might consider including things like a whisk, plastic cups, ribbons, or other items from around the house. Discovering the different textures and shapes will keep your toddler’s interest. You can also encourage them to find creative ways to use the items in the box, sparking their creativity. Best of all, you don’t have to buy anything new. Just grab things you already have around.
3. Play an Educational Video or Show

Honestly, screen time can be a lifesaver on those days when you’re low on energy. Look for educational videos or shows like Ms. Rachel. There are tons of toddler-friendly options out there. You can let them watch their favorite show while you kick back and relax. Just remember to keep screen time within recommended limits.
4. Engage Them in Water Play

My toddler loves anything to do with water and it can be a fun, low-energy way to keep her entertained. You can fill up a shallow basin or sink with water. Add some cups, spoons, and floating toys. Then just let them splash around. Of course, you should supervise them if they are around water, but it’s still something you can do without having to spend too much brain power. Cleanup is also minimal, so it’s great when you’re tired.
5. Give Them a Coloring or Sticker Book

Coloring and sticker books are two of my toddler’s favorite things. This allows them to be creative and you don’t have to be actively involved. Just let them decorate the paper, color the pages, and explore. You can sit back and watch. Pro tip though: use washable markers or crayons to save yourself any heartache.
6. Build a Blanket Fort Together

Blanket forts are a blast, especially if it is a rainy day. I’m always feeling low energy when the weather is bad but, of course, my toddler is bouncing off the walls wanting to go outside. Building a cozy blanket fort can be a great way to pass the time. You can even join them inside for a quiet snuggle session or story time. This simple activity feels magical to toddlers and doesn’t require much effort on your part.
7. Give Them a Simple Task or Job

Toddlers love to help. Giving them a job to do can help them feel useful and like they have a purpose. Ask them to sort socks, put toys away, or clean up. These tasks not only entertain but also teach responsibility and problem-solving skills. Plus, it can help you check a few things off your to-do list while they feel accomplished.
Making the Most of Low-Energy Days

Having to put on a show for your toddler when you are dragging isn’t always easy. These simple activities can keep them entertained while you soak up some downtime. Remember, a little effort can go a long way. Take a deep breath and try these tips the next time exhaustion strikes.