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7 Quick And Easy Ways To Start Living A Healthier Life

Getting healthy can seem like an impossible task.

But, you can start living a healthier lifestyle today by following these seven easy tips.

Staying healthy seems like a full-time job. At least, that’s what the health and fitness industry makes it out to be.

This idea of making drastic changes can make getting healthy seem like an overwhelming task.

In reality, the best way to start living a healthier lifestyle is to make small, sustainable changes.

That way, you don’t set yourself up for failure, and you can actually maintain your habits long enough to see positive results.

7 Quick And Easy Ways To Start Living A Healthier Life

Try these seven quick tips to help you live (and maintain) a healthier lifestyle.

Every year, there are new fitness and diet trends blasting ads that promise to transform your body with as little effort as possible.

By all means, you can always try new things, but you need to be able to discern realistic claims from hype.

With any healthy habit, you won’t see beneficial results if you aren’t consistent. It takes repetition to stay healthy.

And nothing works for everyone.

Your bestie, mother, or coworker might have had positive results from a certain diet or workout program, but no two bodies or lifestyles are the same. Healthy habits need to be personalized to be effective.

If you enjoy it, you’re more likely to stick with it. This is true of both exercise and healthy eating.

Don’t start a health plan that cuts out all carbs if you absolutely love pasta, and don’t train for a 5k if you hate to run.

2. Find Your Zen

Stress is dangerous to your health in so many ways.

And, it can compound the damage it causes by driving you to engage in unhealthy habits like overeating, overdrinking, and even drug use.

Stress knocks your hormones out of whack, causing sudden outbursts that you later regret.

It can even kill your motivation and take the wind out of your sails for workouts.

Unfortunately, you can’t eliminate stress altogether (unless you hide in the forest). You can take steps to limit the amount of stress in your life, though.

The best way to combat stress is to find time for self-care, whatever that means for you.

7 Quick And Easy Ways To Start Living A Healthier Life

Self-care is simply putting aside all your responsibilities, even if just a few minutes a day, to focus on what makes you happy and feel at peace.

Then, you’ll have less of a desire to engage in those harmful activities!

3. Get a Personal Water Bottle

It might sound too simple, but having your own water bottle will help you remember to hydrate.

Carrying that thing around with you wherever you go will definitely remind you to drink up!

If it helps, find the most obnoxiously big and colorful bottle you can find, so that you can’t ignore it.

Drinking water can stave off hunger cues. It increases energy levels, too, which prevents the afternoon slump and keeps you going strong throughout the day.

If you fail at getting enough water in your system, your blood may thicken and clot, your organs can malfunction, and you can experience all kinds of bodily issues.

Of course, this all requires extreme dehydration, but do you want even to come close?

4. Focus on Quality, Not Quantity

Diets tend to limit the amount of food that we can eat, leaving us feeling less than satisfied. Inevitably, we end up cheating.

If you ditch the “diet” idea and focus on eating nutritious foods, you’ll be able to eat until you are full.

Healthy food choices include:

Eating a tiny bowl of mac and cheese is the same as eating a giant bowl of salad. Which would you prefer?

5. Snack for Energy

If you get hungry between meals, go for snacks that offer the most bang for your buck.

Certain snacks will boost both your brain and body to help you power through until the next meal.

Your snacks should contain healthy fats and complex carbs.

7 Quick And Easy Ways To Start Living A Healthier Life

Make sure they’re low in sugar, as well, so you don’t crash afterward.

Good choices for snacks are nuts, seeds, yogurt, and beef jerky.

6. Get Quality Sleep

If you follow the circadian rhythm, you’ll get better sleep at night.

To signal to your body when it’s sleep time, avoid bright lights before bed (they simulate daytime).

Although this can be hard to adopt, put away your devices and turn off the TV a couple of hours before bedtime.

Also, it’s important to train your body to sleep by maintaining a regular sleep schedule, even on the weekends.

7. Eat Most Meals at Home

Instead of picking up dinner on the way home, do your best to prepare your meals in your own kitchen.

This at-home eating habit allows you to slow down, savor your food, and appreciate the ingredients.

Speaking of ingredients, your home-cooked meals will have fewer preservatives and additives, and you will have the ability to control your portions and ingredients.

It’s a good idea to pack your lunches for work, as well. This will cut down on fast food lunches that go directly to your waistline.


You don’t need to do a complete overhaul to improve your health.

Find little ways to tweak your daily habits to coincide with your health goals.

Whether this means taking the stairs, traveling a different route home to avoid tempting restaurants, or setting a morning alarm, it will be worth it in the end.

If you notice, this list includes more than just food and exercise tips.

Good health involves your whole being, so make sure to account for all aspects of your health!

Author Bio:

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Karen Lein is the general manager of Copper Beech San Marcos and Grove San Marcos.

She is a Fresno State alumna and enjoys traveling and watching football. #GoDogs!

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