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7 Key Signs You Have A Drinking Problem

There are several signs you have a drinking problem. If you would like to learn more about these signs, you should click right here.

7 Key Signs You Have A Drinking Problem

Do you think you might have a drinking problem? 

About 15 million people in the U.S. suffer from alcohol use disorder, and only about ten percent of those people ever seek professional treatment. 

Heavy drinking can cause turmoil in your personal life and have long-term adverse effects on your health.

The key to fighting a drinking problem is getting professional help as soon as possible. 

Keep reading to learn more about the signs you have a drinking problem so that you can seek treatment as early as possible. 

Seven Signs You Have a Drinking Problem 

Identifying a drinking problem early is critical, but many of us don’t realize when a casual habit turns into a more significant issue. 

If you think you or someone you know might have a drinking problem, here are seven common signs to look for: 

1. Emotional Drinking 

We’re used to having a drink to celebrate a happy occasion, but sometimes drinking turns into more. Sometimes we start to turn to alcohol to deal with stress or sadness in our daily lives.

If this pattern appears in your life, talk to your doctor to learn some healthier coping mechanisms.  

2. You Drink More and More Often 

Make sure you get to know your standard drinking patterns.

It’s common for people to drink socially on the weekends or occasionally during the week.

However, if you start to notice that you drink more and more often, this could be a sign that you have a problem. 

7 Key Signs You Have A Drinking Problem

3. Your Relationships are Suffering 

Alcoholism can put a strain on your relationships and push people away from you.

Your kids might start to feel neglected, and your spouse might be worried.

Talk to your family members and get their honest feelings on your drinking. If they’re concerned about you, it is time to get help.  

4. You Can Tolerate More Alcohol 

Most of us have a certain amount of alcohol we can tolerate at once. Of course, the more you drink, the more this tolerance goes up.

If you’ve noticed that your alcohol tolerance keeps increasing, you may need to stop drinking for a while and let your body adjust. 

5. Your Mental Health Is Declining 

Too much alcohol can take a toll on your mental health.

Talk to your doctor if you start to experience symptoms of anxiety or depression.

People struggling with alcohol use disorder often feel more anxious or depressed when they’re not drinking, which leads to more alcohol abuse. 

6. You Lose Consciousness 

Most of us have had nights where we drink too much and “blackout” or lose consciousness.

However, when this starts to happen more often or regularly, it is an extremely serious sign of alcohol use disorder, and you should seek help immediately. 

7. You Experience Withdrawl Symptoms 

Withdrawal symptoms are common in people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol. Alcohol withdrawal can have many symptoms, but the most common ones include headaches, decreased appetite, depression, and more. 

Learn More About Finding Freedom From Alcohol  

Knowing the top signs you have a drinking problem will help you seek treatment early, which can prevent a drinking problem from derailing your life. 

If you have questions about treatment or need any resources to help during recovery, make sure you check out the rest of our website.

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