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6+ Ways To Enjoy Life Without Alcohol

It’s perfectly normal to feel a sense of loss when quitting or cutting back on alcohol.

After all, beer, wine and spirits are a huge part of our social fabric, serving a big role in daily life and celebrations alike.

But with the loss comes a much bigger gain — more money, more energy, more time with the people you love.

That means you’ll have a lot more space in your life to enjoy the things that make you happy.

6+ Ways To Enjoy Life Without Alcohol

If you’re looking for some great tips on how to enjoy the best parts of life — parties, vacations, sports games, chill evenings at home — without booze, we’ve got the best tips for you below.

From enjoying a flute of alcohol-free champagne to connecting with others in your situation, there’s so much joy to discover in your alcohol-free chapter.

1. Sip Alcohol Replacements — These days, there are tons of delicious non-alcoholic drinks that will give you the same fulfilling flavor and excitement as the “real” stuff. If you are a fan of beer, try doing a taste test of the best non-alcoholic craft beer options. You’ll discover tasty non-alcoholic IPA, lager, wheat beer, stout and so much more to keep you in the beer loop. There are also alcohol-free bubbly options out there perfect for sipping solo or using to enhance over-the-top mocktails.

2. Find a Natural High with Exercise — Of course, it’s not healthy to replace one addictive substance with another. However, there are a few rare addictions that can bring more good than harm to your life.

One of them is exercise. During a particularly challenging bike ride or run, your body produces endorphins (not unlike the ones released when you have a couple of alcoholic beverages).

The so-called “runner’s high” leads to an instant rush of happiness and pleasure coupled with a dip in pain, stress, anxiety and depression.

Some ways to get natural aerobic highs include:

  • Go for a long bike ride or run.
    • Take a hike with a rewarding view.
    • Take a yoga class with meditation at the end.
    • Try aerial yoga.
    • Go to a barre class.
    • Jump rope to the beat of your favorite song.
    • Go rock climbing or bouldering.
    • Go swimming in a lake or ocean.
    • Go to a circuit training class.
    • Go rollerblading at a roller rink.
    • Take a martial arts class.
  1. Discover Rewarding Creative Outlets — Hobbies are another great way to activate the brain’s reward center and help increase the production of happiness hormones. In fact, studies show that doing crafts and making art releases a neurotransmitter called dopamine, which serves as a natural antidepressant and makes you feel calmer. Not only that, but getting creative is rewarding — it helps you feel more accomplished and successful, which can boost feelings of happiness and confidence.

Here are some creative and rewarding hobbies that can help give you a natural jolt of joy:

  • Knitting or crocheting
    • Drawing, painting or coloring
    • Paper crafts, such as scrapbooking or card-making
    • Gardening and indoor plant care
    • Cooking and baking
    • Interior décor and decorating
    • Making music or beats
    • Organizing your closet or drawers
    • Creating digital art and graphic design
    • Creating vlogs or short videos
    • Taking photos and editing them
6+ Ways To Enjoy Life Without Alcohol

4. Engage with the Sober Community — When it comes to sober living, it truly takes a village. Having the support and companionship of others who are abstaining from alcohol can bring you happiness while increasing the likelihood that you’ll stay on the wagon. In fact, research shows that people in recovery who actively engage with a community of supporters are more likely to stay sober for three years or longer.

Whether by joining a traditional 12-step program such as AA or simply hanging out with friends who don’t drink often, spending time with people who support your goals can have lots of positive impacts and will help you enjoy your life more.

5. Help Others in Any Way You Can — If you’ve ever felt a sense of renewed hope, positivity and happiness after assisting others, that’s not a coincidence. Studies show that helping others, as well as the sense of community it brings, can increase one’s chance of staying sober by as much as 50 percent. Not only that, but helping others can also give you a sense of community while increasing your social skills and confidence. Here are some ways to help others in your community:

  • Volunteer at the local food bank or soup kitchen.
  • Host a fundraiser for a cause you care about.
  • Volunteer at the local animal shelter.
  • Offer to help an elderly neighbor or friend.
  • Cook or deliver meals for people in need.
  • Host a toy drive or coat drive for people in your community.
  • Clean out your closet or pantry and donate unused items.
  • Do a charity 5K or marathon.
  • Clean up trash on the road or beach.
6+ Ways To Enjoy Life Without Alcohol

6. Go on Big Adventures — Traveling is yet another research-backed natural dopamine booster. Experts say that simply looking forward to something triggers the brain to release dopamine, and the benefits continue as you get out of your comfort zone. Multiple studies have linked traveling with an increase in creativity and lingering happiness after the trip is over. Go on vacations that help you unlock joy through the things you love — socializing with others, hiking or climbing, being near the sea, etc. — to double up on the benefits.

Finding Healthy Happiness Boosts

Whether you were a casual drinker or alcohol was a big part of your life, it’s tough to imagine enjoying social gatherings, vacations, and free time without sipping a cold beer or a glass of wine.

Make sure to be patient with yourself and give yourself time to find new joy.

They will come naturally and, eventually, will feel like second nature so you don’t even miss the alcohol.

The key is finding the natural mood-boosters that work the best for you, whether it means exploring a new place or meeting new people.

In other words, it’s all about finding brand-new ways — ways that are healthy and rewarding, of course — to treat yourself, because you deserve it!

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