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6 Surprising Reasons Why Women Should Use A Vibrator

A research conducted by Wile Online library shows that half of the women population is using vibrators.

This data should not surprise you, admit it or not, but most women have owned a personal massager like Tracy’s Dog Pecker Vibrator.

If not, at least  thought about using it.

We already know that our primary goal of using this battery-power friend is to get ourselves into satisfying orgasms.

6 Surprising Reasons Why Women Should Use A Vibrator

However, there’s more to that.

Using a vibrator always has other benefits. Here are surprising reasons why you should use a vibrator.

You Have a Better Sex Life With Your Partner

Massagers like Tracy’s Dog Craybit Vibrator are not just for solo use only.

You can also turn it into a partner play, which can arouse both of you.

6 Surprising Reasons Why Women Should Use A Vibrator

Women think that men are intimidated by women’s vibe, but that’s not true.

Last 2015, a study was conducted by SAGE journals, and it showed that men are not hesitant in using vibrators.

They actually find it more exciting and satisfying when their partner involves the use of massagers.

So have that confidence in using them with your partner.

Using A Vibrator Can Help You Sleep Easily

Sometimes getting yourself into a deep sleep can be a problem, especially for women.

Did you know that your vibrator is your best partner in getting good sleep?

Yes, you read it right. Having an orgasm before going to bed helps you to sleep soundly.

When you go to your climax while using a massager, a sleep-inducing hormone called prolactin is released, which leads you to fall asleep.

Keep Your Vagina Healthy

To keep your vagina healthy, you must maintain its walls, and you can achieve that by regularly using a vibrator.

When a woman is aroused, the vagina lining produces secretions that can moisturize the area.

The moisture can also increase vaginal elasticity, which can prevent infections in the urinary tract and cervix.

When you arouse, your vagina will start to wet and stretch the cervix to flush out the unwanted cervical fluids.

You Can Experiment Sex Alone

Many women are afraid on their first date, probably because they don’t know what will happen next.

And when your man finally put you in bed, you started to freak out because you are afraid that you may not satisfy him.

Ladies, it’s time to stop all that worries and do something about it.

Using a massager can help you experiment more with sex. One can easily be obtained at an adult sex shop.

Get to know your body, go to the climax and reach the big O.

The more you know what you like and how to make yourself satisfied, the more you can perform in bed so well with your partner.

So before you go on your next date, get into bed with your massager.

It Is Good For Your Heart

Using a vibrator can lead you to have an orgasm, and when that happens, a chemical called endorphins is released, which can make you feel good.

These neurochemicals called endorphins are produced inside your hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

This substance in your body naturally produces painkillers, so you won’t feel pain and stress when endorphins are released.

However, endorphins can’t just help you psychologically, but it can also prevent heart disease.

6 Surprising Reasons Why Women Should Use A Vibrator

Research in Israel proves that women should have orgasms at least twice a week to avoid heart problems.

So you better get your massager now to reach this goal.

It Can Reduce Stress

Women are more likely to report symptoms of stress than men.

They are very prone to mental health conditions.

There are many causes which can lead you to feel stress.

It can be your work, relationship with another person, or even yourself can add to your stress.

Nowadays, this became a severe problem in society because of the countless cases of women committing suicide.

Fortunately, there are many ways you can reduce stress, and having an orgasm is one of those.

However, it’s not always that you can have sex with your partner, and if you don’t have that’s another problem.

Good thing science invented vibrators.

You can use them even when you are alone.

Using a vibrator helps you produce a hormone called oxytocin, making you feel happy and lessen your stress.


Some women are quite ashamed of using vibrators; however, it is one of the things that women should talk about.

It can help every woman not only to gain pleasure but to have a healthier body and mind.

Using a vibrator can improve you in so many ways, improve your sex life alone or with your partner, boost your happiness, and keeping a healthier body.

Interested in using a vibrator?

Go ahead and widen your knowledge about massagers and plan to have your own.

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