Choosing to be alone can feel scary, especially if you’ve spent most of your adult life in relationships. However, you’re better off being single than dating someone who treats you poorly. You don’t deserve to be disrespected or ignored by the person who’s supposed to love you most. If your partner displays toxic behavior, here are 6 reasons why you’ll be happier without them.
1. You’ll Have Lower Stress Levels Alone

Being in a bad relationship can raise your stress levels, so you may be better off single. According to research from Binghamton University, women experience an increase in the stress hormone cortisol after negative interactions with unsupportive partners. Chronic stress is associated with all kinds of chronic health conditions. So staying in a toxic relationship could literally be hurting your health.
2. You Call the Shots While Single

The ability to make your own decisions is another reason why you’re better off being single than in a bad relationship. When you’re with a toxic partner, you may feel like you have little autonomy. If you don’t bend to their whims, you could end up in an argument, so you constantly put your own needs on the back burner.
Compromise may feel like it only happens on your end, not theirs, leading to resentment. This dynamic is unhealthy and damaging, so you shouldn’t tolerate it. Leaving will help you regain your independence and voice, enabling you to finally call the shots.
3. You’ll Carry Less Mental Load on Your Own

Bad partners often refuse to contribute to the relationship and household equally. They may foist an unfair share of the mental load and housework on you so they can enjoy more free time. If you’re stuck in this frustrating dynamic, you’re probably better off single. You’ll still have chores, but you won’t have to clean up another grown adult’s messes. When you aren’t busy “parenting” your partner, you’ll have more energy to devote to the self-care you deserve.
4. You’ll Experience Greater Financial Stability Alone

Some people in bad relationships have partners who spend irresponsibly. Leaving your spendthrift boyfriend or girlfriend could enable you to enjoy greater financial stability. Instead of lending them your extra cash, you’ll be able to save your disposable income and start building a nest egg. If your partner is robbing you of your financial peace at every turn, it’s probably time to leave. You’ll be better off single without a wasteful partner dragging you down financially.
5. You Won’t Be Disappointed Constantly

One of the worst parts of being in a bad relationship is feeling disappointed constantly. It’s emotionally draining to deal with a partner who always breaks their promises and lets you down. It’s easy to become complacent, convincing yourself that they had a good excuse or will make it up to you later. But you shouldn’t give your partner endless second chances. You’re probably better off single than with a lousy partner who doesn’t keep their word.
6. You May Feel Less Isolated

Are you lonely even when you’re with your partner? Staying in a bad relationship can actually make you feel more isolated than being single. Being ghosted and ignored by the person you love most is alienating and heartbreaking. Dealing with that pain on a daily basis drains your emotional resources. If you leave your toxic partner, you may find that you have more energy for relationships with loved ones who fill your cup.
Sometimes You’re Better Off Single

Single life can be lonely in a world that feels like it’s designed for couples. But sometimes you’re better off being single than in your current relationship. If you’re with an unsupportive partner who doesn’t seem to care about your happiness, it’s time to move on. Although breakups are painful, there’s a better life waiting for you on the other side.