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6 Essential Tips for Mom Students

Completing a degree program is a hard task for all students. The task is even tougher for mom students who must balance between being a student and a mother. Mom students can often have low moments when they feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities. But, there are some ways moms can relieve some of the stress associated with postgraduate degrees. Here are a few tips that will make your journey easier as you juggle between books and kids.

1. Plan

Your sanity as a mom student depends on your planning skills. Create a detailed schedule with all of the activities and responsibilities that require your attention in a week. Start with your school schedule and create time slots for each subject. Plan your home responsibilities as well, including meals, laundry, cleaning, and shopping. Print and hang your schedule in a place where everyone can see it so that your family knows when you are available and unavailable.

2. Save Time

Look for ways to save time so that you can allocate the extra time to your family and school work. For instance, you can cook and freeze meals that can last for a week. If you have older children, ask them to help with household chores or keep the younger ones busy as you study. Use public transport where possible and study on the bus or train.

3. Take Care of Yourself

Take enough rest every day and follow a healthy diet to maintain high energy levels. You cannot study effectively when you are physically and emotionally drained. Confront and resolve stressful situations as soon as you can. Massages, regular exercises, and salon or spa appointments will help you relax and revitalize your brain. Consider engaging in your hobbies and connecting with your friends on weekends.

4. Study with your Children

Sometimes it is impossible to lock your children out of your study room. Look for activities to keep them busy as you complete your schoolwork. For instance, you can give them drawing and painting tasks that will keep them occupied for hours.

5. Establish and Utilize your Support System

Inform your spouse, friends, and family of your plan to go back to school. Let them know that you will need their help, especially with your children. Talk to your neighbors as well. Carpooling and sleepovers can give you additional hours every week to study.

6. Utilize School Services and Facilities

Do not struggle with tough assignments for hours if you can get help from your tutors and other students. If you’re enrolled in an online program, such as an accredited masters degree in civil engineering, make sure that you engage with your tutors as much as possible. Most online civil engineering degrees and other online degrees allow students to communicate with their tutors either through direct chat or email.

Mom students must be prepared to make temporary changes to balance between school and kids. The journey becomes easier when everyone in the family is involved. Motherhood can be overwhelming even without schoolwork. The tips outlined above will help mothers study while creating and maintaining healthy relationships with their family and friends.

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