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5 Things Look Out For To Ensure A Healthy Home Environment

What really is a healthy home? Designers and health workers have been reinventing and redefining the concept of a healthy home.

The perfect home “is designed, constructed, maintained and rehabilitated in a manner that is conducive to good occupant health,” according to the NCHH.

They have further defined several factors that make up the best environment to promote the health of occupants in a home.

Let’s look at it from the perspective of WHO.

A healthy home environment ensures the occupants’ social, psychological, and physical well-being.

The atmosphere of a home is made up of several factors and below are five of them that can be detrimental to a healthy home if left unchecked;

5 Things Look Out For To Ensure A Healthy Home Environment

Air Quality

Air quality in the home is influenced by three main constituents; outdoor, indoor, and ventilation.

According to a study by the WHO, 29% of deaths globally occur because of a respiratory or lung disease.

Keeping good air quality at home is imperative to the well-being of the residents.

Outdoor factors that affect the air quality at home can be nearby chimneys.

But it is not possible to keep homes air-tight either, especially today when compact apartments are more common to conserve space.

Indoor factors include toxins from sprays and cleaning supplies, combustion, and degrading building materials. Fresh air is essential to flush out all the pollutants inside the home. 

The best solution currently being implemented is mechanical ventilation of homes, using filters to ensure that the outdoor pollutants do not enter the house.

Building construction is also key to adequate ventilation of the space.

You can ensure good air quality by regularly changing air filters, using humidity controlling devices and keeping all carpets and rugs clean.

A natural way would be to get an indoor plant.

Dampness and Mold

Having dampness and mold in your home is another common cause of respiratory issues. People living in spaces infested with mold often have trouble breathing, develop allergies or suffer from asthma.

Mold exposure can also affect the immune system of the residents.

Small children, the elderly, people with pre-existing respiratory and skin infections, and people undergoing chemotherapy suffer the most from these conditions.

Mold produces allergens, irritants, and toxic substances.

People suffering from a reaction to mold may have a runny nose, sneezing, red eyes and rashes on the skin. In some cases, molds can cause asthma attacks as well.

Mold forms due to excess moisture. Water can seep into the home’s walls through leaking pipes, roof leaks, or window frames.

Detecting why you have excess moisture in your home is essential.

If your house has a lot of mold, it needs to be removed by a professional. Sometimes, it is covered under a homeowner warranty or home insurance.

Does your homeowner’s insurance policy cover mold?

If yes, get it removed professionally as soon as possible. Most homeowners’ insurance policies do not cover mold specifically.

However, if it occurs due to a leaking pipe or structural defects in the home, then there is a chance that you might be covered.


We spend a large chunk of our time at home, and amongst other factors, the ideal temperature plays a crucial role in health.

Several pieces of research link the effects of indoor temperature to several health hazards. If a house is too cold, the occupants can develop respiratory illnesses.

Respiratory distress has also been noted when the temperatures are higher than average.

The demographics most affected by this are older people and babies, who have trouble regulating their body temperatures.

Dressing according to the season can also help combat undesirable temperatures.

A popular solution is smart home thermostats that automatically control the household temperature.

Water Pollutants

Water is essential for survival, but it is also one of the most common modes of transmission for viruses, bacteria and toxins.

If the drinking water at your home is polluted, you would likely see residents of your home suffering from gastrointestinal illnesses and other serious diseases.

Drinking water must be pure from all kinds of contaminants, including dissolved solids and excess minerals. 

5 Things Look Out For To Ensure A Healthy Home Environment

You should get your drinking water tested if environmental changes like construction or natural disasters like floods happened recently in your area.

You should also be skeptical if the taste of the water changes or if you detect color or odor in it.

The best way to tackle pollutants in water is to get it tested by a reputed authority and get the water treated based on the results.

Using a household water filter is also an excellent way to avoid pollutants from entering your body through water intake.

Pests and Rodents

Pests invade homes for the same reasons humans build them; to seek food, water, and shelter.

You will find more insects in the warm seasons as they are cold-blooded.

This means they are much more active in warmer temperatures. If your house has an opening for insects to enter, they would.

Pests are a common denominator for respiratory illnesses, allergic reactions, and asthma attacks.

Another factor is psychological anguish, as pests are frightening or disgusting to many humans.

Protecting your home from such infestations is vital to ensure optimal health for yourself and the home’s occupants.

You can follow several guidelines to minimize the risk of pest infestations in your home.

Pests enter your home through openings/gaps in your doors and windows or cracks in your home’s foundation.

Pests are also attracted by leftover food, spills, and messes on the floor. 


Today, most of us spend a significant chunk of our day indoors, so having an unbearable environment around us does not make sense.

Having a healthy, comfortable, and uncluttered home will allow you to focus better on your work as there will be fewer distractions. 

A healthy environment would mean healthier occupants, lowering stress levels, and contributing to a positive mindset.

So, make sure your home is clean and hygienic; if it isn’t, do all you can to make it that way, or hire a professional!

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