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5 Ingredients That Must be in Your Eyelash Serum

5 Ingredients That Must be in Your Eyelash Serum

There are dozens of different brands of eyelash serums available over the counter, and they all claim they can make your lashes look longer and healthier so long as you apply them properly and enough times over a period of a few months. This is great news for anyone who is tired of using a tube of mascara a week to achieve the same look, or spending time and money on eyelash extensions which risk damaging their existing lashes.

But hold on a moment before you make a dash for the nearest drugstore! Before choosing a product it is really important to have an idea of what is in it – especially when it will be used on a sensitive part of your body. This is not the moment to experiment and cause irritation or worse, permanent damage to either your skin or your actual eyes, or to spend your money on a product which contains ingredients which are as good as useless for improving your eyelashes strength and length.

Going with more delicate vegan products is also an option. These usually don’t contain any substances that cause irritation.

To help you out we have put together this brief guide to the five ingredients you should be looking for in an eye serum to be sure it is likely to be both safe and effective.

Ingredient #1 – Oil of some kind
There is no one particular kind of oil used in eyelash serums. Some favor sweet almond oil, which is thought to provide deep conditioning to the roots and reduce the chances of hair loss, while others use castor oil, which is a natural source of healthy Omega-6 fats, vitamins and proteins which are all good for helping stimulate new hair to grow quite rapidly. Some eyelash serums use a combination of oils, including perhaps coconut and vitamin E oil.

Ingredient #2 – Pro-vitamins
Generally, all good eyelash serums tend to feature vitamin B5 (for strength and added gloss, plus deep moisturizing), and vitamin B7, which stimulates hair growth. Vitamin B5 is also known as Panthenol, so look for that in the ingredients list if specific vitamins are not listed.

Ingredient #3 – Vitamin E [And Chamomile]
Vitamin E is well known for its natural antioxidants which boost hair growth, largely by helping to prevent hair from breaking off before it should. It is often paired with chamomile in eyelash serum products because this too is known to be good for boosting hair growth.

Ingredient #4 – Active peptides such as Penthasymin
Peptides are amino acid chains which provide moisture to your lashes and help them to grow stronger.

Ingredient #5 – Hyaluronic acid
Don’t let the word acid put you off, as this ingredient protects the lashes, hydrates them, and also encourages growth.

Final Words

Remember that when you look at the list of ingredients in an eyelash serum they are listed in a particular way, with those that have the biggest percentage being first. Ideally, the five ingredients covered here should feature in the top half of a list. To find the best eyelash serum, check out

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