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5 Incredible Facts About Hemp You Didn’t Know

The hemp plant is an amazing little plant, and there are many reasons for which we say that.

This seems to have been one of the first useful plants identified by our ancestors, and its strong, pleasant aroma might have something to do with that.

However, there is also the fact that this is one of the most versatile tools in the natural world.

It’s good for food, medicine, and so much more.

5 Incredible Facts About Hemp You Didn't Know

Here are just a few incredible facts about hemp that you (probably) didn’t know.

CBD Can Be Obtained From Most Parts Of The Hemp Plant

You probably know that hemp and marijuana are related. In fact, they are technically the same species of plant.

However, the main difference is that Marijuana has been cultivated for its THC content, while hemp is cultivated for fibers or CBD.

While marijuana smokers have to focus on the use of the buds (AKA flowers), CBD can be obtained from most parts of the hemp plant.

This makes for a much more efficient crop with less waste.

So, which parts of the hemp plant will contain the most CBD?

Well, the first thing to understand is that CBD is stored in the “aerial parts” of the plant.

That’s a fancy way of saying that everything above the soil will contain CBD.

You won’t find it in the roots, but it can be found everywhere else.

Although the flowers probably will contain the highest concentration of THC, the stems and leaves will also contain a significant amount.

Smoking Hemp Flower Replaces The Effects Of Nicotine

Anyone who attempts to kick a nicotine addiction is likely to face an uphill battle.

However, many smokers report that the physical action of smoking is a big part of what keeps them coming back.

After a while, it simply becomes a habit, and the user doesn’t feel right without a cigarette in their hand.

Hemp is one of the best ways to alleviate those cravings because they give you something pleasant to smoke instead.

Because CBD also tends to have a relaxing effect, it should also give them the stress relief that they would normally get from a cigarette.

This isn’t just speculation, either.

A number of studies have shown that smokers have an easier time quitting when they replace their tobacco with hemp.

Here is one of them, and you should be able to find more if you care enough to look.

First, they made the test subjects (all chronic tobacco users) go without a cigarette overnight.

It didn’t reduce the physical withdrawal symptoms, but it definitely reduced the addictive desire.

CBD Can Be Found In Hemp & Marijuana, But It Is Non-Psychoactive

As we already explained, the main difference between marijuana and hemp is the psychoactive ingredient known as THC (which stands for Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol).

By law, hemp cannot have more than 0.3% THC, or else it is legally classified as marijuana.

Believe it or not, the cannabis plant itself is not illegal. It is THC, the psychedelic ingredient, that remains restricted.

Anyway, those who smoke hemp, like the ones from MrHempFlower aren’t looking for a THC high.

Rather, they are trying to obtain the medicinal benefits of CBD, which is found in both hemp and Marijuana.

In general, hemp strains tend to have more of this crucial ingredient, but only if they have been cultivated for that purpose.

Hemp strains that were cultivated for their fibers will likely have low CBD levels and are thus no good for smoking.

Smoking Hemp Flower Is The Fastest Way To Feel Its Effects

There are many ways to get CBD into your system. A lot of people like to use a concentrated oil for this purpose, and that’s not a bad way to go.

CBD oil can be added to many common foods and drinks, making it convenient to use at any time.

That being said, ingestion has always been the slow path for Cannabis.

When you ingest a Cannabis product, it will take 30 minutes to an hour before the effects are felt.

By contrast, smoking will be absorbed much more quickly, and the effects will be felt within 15 minutes (probably less).

To find out why that is, you might want to check out this article.

As you can see from the chart, smoking provides a more direct path into the bloodstream, and thus, a faster path to the brain.

Hemp And Breast Milk Share Nutrients

This fact is really surprising, but it seems to be true.

According to numerous studies performed over the years, cannabinoids are naturally present in the breast milk of human mothers. Here is just one of them, to give you an idea.

While these cannabinoids are not exactly the same as those found in the Cannabis plant, they are very similar and closely related.

You see, the body takes cannabinoid substances like CBD and uses them to make endocannabinoids, which benefit the body directly.

Because they are a normal component of breast milk, it stands to reason that these cannabinoids are helpful for human growth and development.

That being said, we are not recommending that you go out and give Cannabis to your babies. No doctor would ever recommend that, and we won’t do so, either.

However, we would say that mild CBD use is probably safe for pregnant mothers, although you should consult your doctor to be sure.


As we said, the hemp plant is truly an amazing and multi-functional plant.

Not only that, but it seems to mesh with human biology a lot better than most other drugs.

Of all these facts, we would say the most amazing one is the last (regarding cannabinoids in breast milk).

This fact suggests that humans are meant to use cannabinoids to some extent, as our biology is clearly built for its processing.

Anyway, we hope that you enjoy your smoking hemp and that you will come back to see us again.

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