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4 Things To Have In Mind If You’re Moving Overseas

Moving overseas can be a daunting task, especially if it’s your first time.

There are many things to consider before making the move, such as packaging, your visa status, finances, and housing.

Here are four important things to have in mind if you’re moving overseas.

4 Things to Have in Mind If You're Moving Overseas

Packing for the Move

When it comes to packing, deciding whether you want to hire a moving company or do it yourself is one of the first things you should think about.

Hiring professional movers, like PSS international removals, will take care of everything for you, including the difficult task of figuring out how to pack fragile belongings safely.

If hiring movers isn’t an option for you, then be sure to put aside ample time into packing and double-check that your items are packed properly before sealing up boxes after loading them into your vehicle.

It can be a difficult choice to pack and bring with you, as there probably won’t be another chance to go back and fetch something else.

Most people first decide to pack their large and expensive furniture, and after that, they usually pack personal belongings, such as clothes and electronics.

More often than not, people regret packing certain items after settling into their new home because the item was either useless or unnecessary to bring along.

Therefore, it’s better to be safe than sorry by bringing everything you might need with you.

Do You Have Your Documents?

Depending on where you’re moving from and to, there are different forms and documents that may need filling out in order for your move to be legal.

For example, if you plan on flying with your pet, then you’ll need to apply for a specific form first.

If you’re moving from a country that requires a visa into another country where a visa isn’t necessary, then you may need other documents, such as housing contracts.

Trying to collect all these documents along can be difficult, especially if they’re spread out across different files on different electronic devices.

To solve this dilemma, consider saving all the required documents in an organized folder on Google Drive or Dropbox so that you can access them anytime, anywhere.

It doesn’t hurt to have multiple copies either so that even if one gets lost during transit you have another backup.

Income Tax Clearance Certificates and Your Bank Account

When living abroad it’s essential to keep your finances in order, which is why it’s important to know if you need an income tax clearance certificate (ITCC) before leaving your home country.

An ITCC can be issued by the tax department of your home country and is not always necessary for every immigrant.

It usually needs to be requested if you’re working abroad or receiving money from the outside world, which makes sense as this would require paying taxes outside of your home country.

When moving overseas, think about banking options available to you.

Be sure to open a new bank account so that transferring money internationally will be easy and safe.

If opening an account through an international branch isn’t possible, then consider looking for a credit union because they tend to offer better rates and privileges for international students.


Where you’re going to live is another important factor in moving overseas.

Popular temporary housing options for newcomers include camping and hostels, but these can be expensive and unsuitable for anyone looking for a long-term living arrangement.

A better option would be to rent out an apartment like an Airbnb that offers short-term leases and can be cheaper than a hotel.

Whatever option you choose for housing, make sure it’s safe and within your budget.

Be sure to visit the property at least once with the realtor before agreeing on anything so that you know exactly what you’re getting into or if there will be any changes in price. 

Make sure that your new home (whether it’s permanent or not) has access to good public transit because this will make getting around town less stressful.

If the city you’re planning on living in doesn’t have a great bus or train route yet, then consider renting an apartment within walking distance from work or school until better options become available.

4 Things to Have in Mind If You're Moving Overseas

When moving overseas, it’s important to consider the many factors that will affect your transition.

Whether you’re looking for a temporary or permanent home, deciding what items to bring with you and organizing all of the necessary documents can be daunting tasks. 

These four things should give you an idea on how to plan ahead before making an international move: do your research about where you’ll be living and what type of housing is available; collect any relevant documents in advance so they’re easy to access later; find out if income tax clearance certificates are required by your country and open up a new bank account abroad; keep in mind public transit options when choosing where to live near work or school until better routes become accessible.

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