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4 Post-Winter Home Maintenance Projects

Canadian winters act as a hibernation of sorts for many homeowners across the country.

With unpredictable weather and dropping temperatures, indoor activities take the place of outdoor adventures, and home renovation or maintenance projects are put aside.

As we look at the current winter season in the rear-view mirror, it’s time to focus on the areas of your home that require the most attention.

These areas can change depending on the household, but we recommend four common home maintenance projects to keep your home clean and secure before the next round of snow.

4 Post-Winter Home Maintenance Projects

Update Your Windows

One of the most common ways for unwelcomed dust and allergens to enter your home is through outdated or ill-fitting windows.

When you take time to install new windows, you’re simultaneously balancing your home’s internal temperature and reducing condensation, which is typical for Canadians around March and April, as the snow begins to melt.

Additionally, windows are a significant source of heat loss in the home if they’re not upgraded and energy-efficient.

This means when another Canadian winter comes around, you’ll likely see a rise in your utility bills unless you take steps to upgrade the windows in your home.

Reinforce Your Gutters

The gutters that surround the home are often overlooked, mainly because they’re a far less glamorous aspect of the house and aren’t thought to be of much importance in the world of renovation or maintenance.

In reality, maintaining your gutters is an essential part of keeping your home in its best possible shape.

A well-maintained gutter system protects your home from water damage that can occur from melting snow and ice.

They should be able to collect and drain water away from the property.

Otherwise, you’ll leave yourself and your family at risk of damage to your roof and siding.

Regular gutter cleaning, especially in the weeks before the winter months and the weeks following, will help ensure consistent drainage.

If your home is situated on a property with surrounding trees, you may need to conduct multiple checks throughout the year to avoid a buildup of leaves.

4 Post-Winter Home Maintenance Projects

Re-Seal Your Deck

Your backyard deck is likely your go-to entertaining space during the warm spring and summer months, so it must be with the appropriate maintenance.

A wooden deck should last years, but it may require more care and attention than anticipated after the harsh Canadian winters.

The first step is to strip the deck of any remaining sealant if added in previous years.

Next is a thorough cleaning before applying a new coat. Pressure-washing your deck is a helpful way to remove stubborn dirt or stains.

This process is ideal in the late spring since low temperatures will make the process more challenging, slow down the drying process, and allow debris and dust to stick to the sealant you’ve selected.

Check Your Outdoor Faucets

Since Canadian winters are known for freezing temperatures and unpredictable weather patterns, outdoor pipes are susceptible to ice and freeze damage.

To determine if there’s pipe damage, turn on the water and place a finger over the opening.

If you’re able to stop the flow of water, that’s your queue to investigate.

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