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4 Indulgences That Are Actually Good for Your Health

When we think about healthy habits, often the first things that come to mind are eating well, doing yoga and ditching late nights out with the girls for a more virtuous lifestyle. And if we’re honest, the idea of swapping chocolate for carob and grazing on quinoa isn’t all that appealing.

4 Indulgences That Are Actually Good for Your HealthFortunately, there are a lot of things you can do that aren’t only healthy, but fun too. Let’s take a look at some common indulgences that are actually good for your health.

  1. Drinking Coffee

If you can’t start your morning without a strong cup of coffee, we’ve got great news for you. Recent studies have shown that coffee drinkers have a significantly lower chance of presenting with heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even Alzheimer’s disease. The benefits don’t stop there. Coffee is also full of essential nutrients, including vitamin B2, which is vital for growth and bodily repair, and magnesium, which can ease muscle cramps and help you get a good night’s sleep.

  1. Having Sex

Believe it or not, getting freaky in the sheets can be as healthy as it is fun. Studies have shown that a 30-minute session can help you expend upwards of 145 calories while making out can burn a whopping 238 extra calories. Even better, reaching orgasm can drastically reduce your stress levels and combat insomnia by releasing oxytocin, known as the pleasure hormone, into your system. Of course, you don’t even need to be in a relationship to enjoy the health benefits of sex. Check out this best vibrator guide to achieve that post-sex glow even if you’re going solo.

  1. Going Shopping

Next time you feel guilty about hitting the mall for a little retail therapy, remind yourself that browsing for bargains may actually be beneficial for your health. Not only does it get you moving, but shopping has also been linked to increased activity in the left prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain linked to positive thinking and pleasure. If you stop for a bite with friends and family, the benefits increase, as hugs and other intimate gestures release oxytocin and lift serotonin levels, which will give you a sense of well-being and safety.

  1. Sleeping In

If you’re looking for an excuse to sleep in this Saturday, we’ve got you covered. Historically, scientists have advised against trying to catch up on sleep over the weekend, but new research from South Korea has found that individuals who didn’t sleep enough during the week then compensated on the weekends had lower BMIs than those who burnt the candle at both ends and didn’t enjoy a rest after a long week. So, next time someone tries to tells you off for having a sleep-in, tell them you’re working on your waistline.

Drinking coffee, sleeping and retail therapy often get a bad rap. But with more and more research highlighting the benefits of doing what makes us happy, we can finally ditch the guilt associated with these little indulgences once and for all.

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