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13 Things Your Cat Most Likely Hates

Your cat cannot stand these things, and you continue to do them!

Each creature certainly has a weakness for things that give pleasure.

But the cat may not appreciate excessive attention from the owner, as well as some of his other actions.

Let’s find out what human behavior, according to experts, is most annoying for our cats.

13 Things Your Cat Most Likely Hates

The Ultimate List Of What Cats Hate

Touching cats tummy

Most cats do not like being patted on the stomach.

They will try to run away, scratch, or bite you. Different cats, on the other hand, have different preferences.

And some domestic animals enjoy being scratched on their stomachs.

If your cat is among those who come to you specifically waiting for your hand on their tummy, still do not try to repeat this with other people’s pets.

Meeting your friends

The strangers who come to your house are always trying to caress the cat – not all animals like it.

To avoid getting a scratch, the guest should let the cat smell his hand, let it get comfortable with the new smells and behavior of the stranger.

And only then would the cat possibly let him caress her. Do not try to catch a cat that tries to run away.

If the cat has not shown interest, reconcile.

Picked up too often

Cats and cats forgive their owners when they take them from time to time in their arms against their will.

13 Things Your Cat Most Likely Hates

But this cannot go on for a long time. If the cat herself does not jump to your knees, she has no desire to contact.

To understand how to introduce the cat to friends and family members, see how vets with unfamiliar animals do it.

Surely your cat is insured in one of the local companies, so the next time you take your pet for a scheduled examination, pay attention to how skillfully and confidently the veterinarians deal with animals without causing them any discomfort, but on the contrary, building trust!

Touching cat’s tail

For small children, the tail of a cat looks very attractive: it can be grabbed, pulled. Do not let the kids do this.

Cats get very annoyed when they touch their tails.

Teach your child to give a cat their hand to sniff, show them it is more pleasurable for the cat to stroke its back, scratch behind the ears.

13 Things Your Cat Most Likely Hates

If the cat dilates its pupils, sharply twitches its tail, lowers its ears, growls or hisses, a small child who decided to break the rules and catch the cat’s tail can be seriously injured.

Leaving a cat alone

Not only dogs do not like loneliness.

Cats that are waiting for their owners from work can miss food all day, get bored, and scream.

Even if there are several animals in the house, they will all yearn for you in your absence.

Sitting in the carrying for cats

Representatives of the cat family do not like travel.

But they experience even more stress when they are put in a special bag.

Some veterinarians and as it mentions on ThePets, examine patients directly in the carrier, and this place is associated with even greater negativity.

You can train cats to get acquainted with carriages gradually. Let them live in it at home, put a familiar blanket there, toys and treats.


Most cats hate water. Hundreds of pictures on the Internet evidence this.

These animals do not need swimming. It is enough to clean them, comb the wool – with everything else they cope with their tongue.

Of course, if the cat got dirty in something, wash it quickly.

Do not forget to protect your hands from scratches and do not dry their hair – cats are even more afraid of hair dryers.

Medicine for cats

Giving medicine to the cat is another difficult task.

13 Things Your Cat Most Likely Hates

Owners usually have to wrap the animals in a blanket, forcefully open their mouths, put in the medicine, and make sure that they swallow it.

Sharp and loud sounds

Cats are hypersensitive to sounds.

Ears help them to detect danger, but well-developed hearing also means that some extra loud noises can turn on the panic mode of the animal.

Therefore, experts do not recommend listening to loud music and vacuuming in the presence of a cat.

Sensitive paws

The paw for the cat is an essential part of the body and one of the most sensitive ones.

They wash it, feel the surfaces, defend themselves, and put it on top of someone over whom they feel their power.

If you grab the cat by the paw, wait for the claw to strike.

Given old food

Cats are finicky in food. If the animal has not eaten all day waiting for you, then in the evening, it may not eat a serving until it is renewed.

The slight scent does not allow them to eat junk.

Sprinkle the food in tiny portions several times a day, creating the illusion of a new meal constantly.

Introduced to other cats

Many cats do not like companions of their kind, show aggression or fear towards them, especially if a new pet has appeared on its territory.

Despite this, cats show great flexibility in their social behavior.

They need time to exchange smells, to look at and smell out each other.

Dirty filler

The cat will not use the tray if the filler has not been changed there for a long time.

The filler must be completely changed at least once a week, and the top layer – daily, removing dirt.

If the filler does not form lumps, it must be replaced after a day or two, since the increasing smell of urine can become extremely unpleasant.

Strongly smelling fillers, deodorants, or strong odor disinfectants can scare odor-sensitive cats off the tray too.

To avoid this problem, use detergents and disinfectants recommended for cats.

Children and dogs

Due to their small stature, babies and dogs pose a threat to the cat’s sole territory.

To introduce everyone, give your cat a sense of security by preparing a place where no one can get it while it gets used to guests or new family members.


The perception of odors in a cat is somewhat different from humans.

Firstly, the scent of cats is stronger than ours, and secondly, the scents that people like can cause acute disgust in cats.

So, for example, the smell of feces causes rejection in humans, and cats treat it quite calmly.

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