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11 Healthy Lifestyle Tips For Adults

How many times have you convinced yourself that you’re going to “get healthy“? It’s a common occurrence amongst humans, in general, to make promises to ourselves or others that we fail to keep.

That’s okay! It’s not that there’s something wrong with you; it’s just that life doesn’t always go the way you may expect it to.

Living a healthy lifestyle can often be viewed as something reserved for the uber-fit and the people who seem to have their lives in order.

It’s not a surprise that this is a common view because, in the age of social media, it has become impossible for many people to separate real life from what they see on their friends’ online accounts. 

Social media isn’t inherently bad, but it can create a negative view of what “living healthy” might look like in many of us and cause unfair and unrealistic comparisons and assumptions about what it takes to lead a healthy existence.

In reality, living a holistically healthy life doesn’t have to consist of taking giant metaphorical steps.

Rather, it can involve taking a few smaller steps that, over time, have good long-term effects. 

Here are 11 examples of these smaller steps.

11 Healthy Lifestyle Tips For Adults

Read More

This might seem a bit boring or basic to you at first, but there is incredible power in switching off from the (digital) world and engrossing yourself in a good book.

In an age of Kindle and eBooks, that might be where you need to start to form a reading pattern in your life. However, a good aim in this area would be to grab a physical book and go analog! 

A person with a habit of regularly reading books opens themselves up to new trains of thought and perspective, as well as more opportunities for learning and internal growth.

Whether you enjoy fiction or nonfiction, just read!

Ask For Help

In an age where it has become easier to tweet what you feel than to call a friend to talk about it, it’s perhaps more important than ever to build up a healthy core of close confidants who you can reach out to when you need help. 

Admitting you can’t do life on your own and that you may need some help is probably one of the most courageous things anybody could do in this day and age.

The “self-made person” is, in many ways, a myth.

The most successful people around the world (both materially and in character) will be the first to admit that they needed help and guidance early on and possibly still do today!

Take More Walks

Hardcore exercise is strenuous and often too much to add to an already extensively busy life. However, physical health cannot be ignored if you’re looking to live healthier overall.

The psychological and physiological benefits of regular exercise have been proven to death, and now you just need to do it! 

Walking is a phenomenal form of exercise; best of all, anybody can do it!

It may not seem like you’re burning enough calories when you walk, but if you’re consistent enough, you’ll begin to notice the positive mental and physical effects. 

Unplug Regularly

Take some time away from your devices and engage in something productive that isn’t online. Read a physical book, go for a walk, or even meditate.

Taking a break from the demands of life will do wonders for your mind and your heart. 

Declutter Often

It’s been said that a disordered outer world can be a symptom of a disordered inner world. Sometimes the absolute best thing you can do for yourself is simply to clean up.

Get rid of junk you don’t need or use anymore, take your car for a wash, or mow the yard. 

Regularly decluttering your immediate physical spaces can help with feeling overwhelmed or anxious and leave you feeling a lot lighter and more peaceful. 

11 Healthy Lifestyle Tips For Adults

Work Hard (But Not Too Hard)

We were made to work, but we were also made to rest. The former can’t outweigh the latter, and vice versa. It’s crucial for your overall health to have a solid and balanced work and rest life. When you work, you should put your all into what you do. And when you rest, you should rest hard!

Value Sleep

Getting enough sleep has countless benefits, and not just on your mood when you wake up. Your body needs sleep to function, so don’t deprive it!

You’ll be more productive after a good night’s sleep, and your body will be grateful for the nourishment of rest. C

reate a sleep schedule and do everything you can to stick to it. Tomorrow may depend on it!

Reduce Screen Time (Where Possible)

Instead of waking up and the first thing you do is scroll through Instagram, give your eyes some time to adjust to the world by watching the sunrise or doing a stretch or two.

Too much consistent screen time can be the cause of many issues later in life, and not just physical!

Invest More Time into Your Friendships

Building valuable friendships is just good for you!

These relationships don’t just form themselves, though. They need time and intention from both parties, and this process and journey are so rewarding.

Sharing your life with others helps you not get stuck in your own head and to grow in love and empathy towards others.

11 Healthy Lifestyle Tips For Adults

Get A Burner Phone

Life today doesn’t always allow you to switch off completely from the world, which is understandable.

An alternative is to buy yourself an old “burner” phone that can only call and text. No apps, no notifications.

This allows you to stay connected and still be reachable but removes the distractions that typically come with a smartphone. 

Practice Generosity

Giving helps us truly realize what we have and builds in us a grateful attitude! It doesn’t have to be money. It can be your time or even your skills. 


If you want to live healthier, give one or two of these habits a try this week!

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