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How To Prepare For A Stressful Work Day!

We all end up with one of those stressful work days once in awhile. Whether it’s a meeting or a tight deadline, it can get us all flustered and stressed. There are some ways you can prepare in advance so that it is not as stressful as it could be!

Get more sleep

If you know that the next day will be stressful, it’s important to try and have at least eight hours worth of sleep. Try and get quality sleep as well; otherwise you will end up too tired to concentrate on the stressful task the next day. Get into bed and turn off your devices, so you are not distracted. And make sure you don’t eat anything too filling before bed. A good night’s sleep means you will feel refreshed and ready for whatever comes your way. We talk here about how you can get some more quality sleep.

Drink coffee

If you want to start off the stressful day in a calm mood, it would be a good idea to drink some coffee which will boost your mood. It will make you feel less tired if you haven’t had much sleep, and will make you feel more proactive during the day ahead. Make sure you get up early enough, and while you eat your breakfast, have a nice hot cup then. If you don’t have a coffee machine at home, you could find an espresso machine at work so that you get a boost.Tea is always a good alternative to keep you to feel calm.

Write a diary

If you have a stressful day ahead, the best thing to do is to write down your feelings. It’s a great way to control your stress. If you are dreading the next day, write down what you are exactly worrying about, and the worst that could happen. Then you can think of resolutions to those issues.

Get some exercise

When you are very stressed, exercise is a great way to beat the stress. You should try and go for a walk or a run to chill out. As it says here, people who exercise before a busy day feel more proactive and efficient the next day. They will feel more optimistic and ready to solve any problems that occur.

Plan in advance

If you want to make sure you are ready for the day ahead, start by planning what you need to do. Keep organised by writing down a list of everything you need to be doing, and how you are going to do it. Talk to your boss or colleagues about any help you need in advance. Asking for help is not a failure, and could stop any more problems from occurring. Also, to make sure you are ready, you need to get to work early and start preparing. It will give you more time to make sure everything goes to plan.

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Remember, the day will be over very quick, and everything will work out if you keep calm. Try and chill out the night before and spend time with your loved ones.

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