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Ten Benefits of a Haxnicks Raised Bed Patio for Growing Vegetables



A Haxnicks raised bed to grow your vegetables is vitally important to your garden. Here are ten reasons why.



1. Managing and monitoring the quality of the soil. It is much easier to add topsoil, and the necessary nutrients your plants need in a Haxnicks raised bed patio garden. You can easily see and recognise changes in the soil. Dry or wet conditions can easily be gauged and quickly rectified. The soil in the planter bed will hold onto beneficial elements such as plant nutrients, moisture and warmth much longer than in the ground.

  1. It’s easy to protect vegetables from the elements and insects. Plastic sheeting or netting can be easily used to protect your plants from harmful conditions both expected and unexpected. Changes in the weather such as cold, heat, rain, or wind can be damaging to your plants depending on the type of plant and the severity of the weather. Insects are also another threat to especially vegetables. You can use stakes to support protection for your plants by draping the material over your plants as a temporary means of protection.


​3. Your vegetables can remain safe from footsteps and trampling in their raised garden beds. There is no need for foot traffic in the bed. Your walkway or pathways to access the plants are safely in between the rows of raised garden beds.


4.  This also gives the added bonus of easy picking or harvesting of the vegetables. The beds  are narrow enough so that you can reach the middle easily from either side. It is easy to see when the vegetables are at their prime and ready for picking. Just reach in and reap the benefits of your labour.


5. It is easy to manage weeds and grasses in a raised garden bed and stop it from spreading and overrunning your entire garden. It can be contained and treated right where it starts. Use a layer of mulch over the soil to inhibit their growth.  


6. You can Line up your raised bed patio beds in a series of rows or pattern that best suits your needs or design. You can have fun with the overall pattern and design or even arrange them to match your favourite architectural feature on your home.


7. It is an excellent and super-efficient way of separating different vegetables. You can separate your vegetables as you like according to the space you have available or combine several different vegetables in one Haxnicks raised bed patio.


8. You have the flexibility of starting with one and getting your feet wet or you can go all out and have several beds. Adding to your garden is as simple as purchasing another raised bed.


9. It is just as easy to start over and change your mind about the crops you plant.


10. The aesthetic beauty of looking out into a garden filled with raised garden beds is hard to beat. It’s beautiful to look at and to enjoy for years to come.


If you are looking for Haxnicks Raised Beds Patio they are available at the Mega Garden Store.


Here is your monthly guide to growing vegetables in the UK.


About the author Lee Elwell works for Mega Garden Store. He is known for his knowledge in the field of gardening equipment. You can add him on Google Plus. Please add him to your circles.

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Thursday 10th of April 2014

Great post! No excuse not to garden with this easy ideas. Thanks

Ari T.

Wednesday 9th of April 2014

I pretty much agree with this article! I would love to grow a garden within a raised bed! All the benefits seem to make it seem better than the traditional ground-level garden method. I like that there's less chance of an uncontrollable amount of weed growth as well as less chance of stepping over new buds accidentally. And I know specifically for where I live, it takes a lot of top soil to mix in with the natural soil to create the soil that will allow for strong plant growth. The raised bed will eliminate that problem.

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