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How Snoring Strikes its Tender Victims – Women and Children

Once there was a time when snoring was the forte of obese men especially after a couple of drinks at night. But with the mounting stress, more and more women as well as children are facing the same problem. Snoring impedes proper rhythm of sleep and causes the victims to feel fatigued and lethargic next morning. More than just a stigma or unattractive “habit” snoring is becoming a social problem as it has been related to ADHD in children, weight problems and mood swings in women.

What causes snoring?

Surprisingly the lesser known fact is the cause of snoring. Snoring is caused by upper air turbulence which is mainly a contribution of the architecture of the soft palate and uvula. For the very same reason, snoring increases with age. Aging causes muscles to lose toning and hence block the airway which creates a hindrance while inhalation through the nose. For children snoring has been observed in almost all ages and is generally caused by some blockage at the back of the mouth which hinders the passage of air while breathing in. primary snoring is much less of a concern as it is not associated with sleep apnea, inability of lungs to take in sufficient oxygen or frequent arousals from sleep. For children the most common causes of snoring mostly include obesity, premature birth and other chronic medical illnesses. In the 21st century obesity among children is not uncommon as PS3 and Xbox keep them glued to the couches. Lack of physical exercise and binging during video game or movies cause children to put on extra weight in and around their neck, tongue and air passage impeding smooth airflow during sleep.

Snoring and Weight gain: a very simple relationship

The relationship between snoring and weight gain has been well explained by researchers over the years.  Although snoring is generally seen in already obese people, snoring also leads to weight gain. The lack of proper sleep causes increased hunger and fluctuating appetite, causing a surge in TAG deposition in the adipose tissues. This is the main cause of increasing weight in people who have difficulty in sleeping due to snoring. This is also an emerging problem among kids who suffer from bouts of snoring, not only are the more prone to poor performance in school and being cranky, they are also more likely to pack on a few extra pounds much more easily than other kids. In adults the unmonitored and uncontrolled weight gain can lead to heart problems, high blood pressure and severe skin problems.

Addressing Snoring Without Surgery

For both children and women the consequences can be anything from lack of energy and enthusiasm to deterioration of performance at school/workplace. Snoring is not something to be taken lightly and steps should be taken to combat it as soon as possible. For both women and children it might come as a challenge to cure snoring for good without undergoing invasive surgery. But there are a number of aids and oral appliances which help chronic snorers to keep a lid on their snoring. There are a variety of such anti- snoring devices that work, which include contraptions with hinges which hold the jaw open and lower jaw forward which aids in air passage at the time of sleep. Others include extremely small contraptions which work as tongue retainers to hold the tongue in place which is sometimes an effective cure for snoring. The advancement in designing and engineering of these snoring aids has replaced the requirement of surgery especially in cases of primary snoring in children. These devices help the person snoring as well as the person sharing the room with him or her by allowing them sleep without any interruption.

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