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How Can I Find My Birth Parents Without Information?

We’re living in very dynamic times. Every day, we see reunions that were once impossible.

If you’re looking for your birth parents, a people finder online is one of the best ways to get started.

All you need is a name.

How Can I Find My Birth Parents Without Information?

We can’t recommend people finders enough – you can get tons of matches to explore further.

How to Get a Name

If you don’t have your parents’ names, go to the “.gov” site of the state where your adoption took place.

In the respective section, which you’ll be guided to, you’ll receive instructions on requesting details.

These will include your biological parents’ jobs, education level, and a physical description.

The data provided varies on a case-by-case basis. People who’ve gone through this process recommend getting a DNA test done after receiving your parents’ non-identifying information.

Some have gotten hundreds of matches, starting from cousins twice removed.

What to Expect from the Courts

When you contact the court that finalized your adoption, you probably won’t find your parents’ names, only those of the judge and the attorneys.

You might get a letter with your own, non-identifying details from the Health and Rehabilitative Services.

Considering the records will be sealed, you’ll have no use for the case number even if you find it.

Here are three good options to facilitate your search.

1. Search Records

Don’t lose hope – you might have access to detailed and accurate documents surrounding your adoption, even if it was a closed one.

Legislation governing adoption records is changing all the time.

How Can I Find My Birth Parents Without Information?

When adopted children become adults, many states allow a release of records, even if certain non-essential details are redacted.

Are there any other ways to find adoption records? You can ask your adoptive parents.

They are likely to have held on to the documentation or able to provide further information, which didn’t seem significant back then.

If this avenue proves fruitless, get in touch with the adoption agency that placed you.

They will probably be able to give further information even if they aren’t allowed to release records.

You can also try checking local record archives, newspapers, and local birth announcements on the date of your adoption.

2. Social Media

Many people have found biological relatives by posting on social media.

Typically, such posts include information about the person someone’s searching for, such as their name, any relevant dates, and their jobs.

These posts can be very effective. Another good thing is that they’re completely free.

You can post and share as often as you want. Don’t worry about getting on people’s nerves.

Finding your birth parents is all that counts.

You can publish details in poster board form as well as use names, places, and other information to possibly locate a birth parent’s social network profile.

Other social media users can help you.

How Can I Find My Birth Parents Without Information?

On this note, post information in different groups and places, preferably not only on Facebook, but also Google Search, Twitter, and Pinterest.

3. Adoption Registries

Some people registered with up to a dozen such services before getting lucky.

Thankfully, the vast majority of online adoption registries are free.

You also don’t need a lot of info to be able to use them effectively. 

Some good options are,, and the ISRR.

In addition to these solid starting points, each state will typically have its own registry.

One issue is that unless your parents are looking for you too, adoption registries aren’t going to be very useful.

Sometimes, people don’t start searching for biological children that they gave up for adoption because they regret their decision, they feel guilty, or they don’t want to be intrusive.

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