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Xeomin Medicine

Botox drugs and treatment became widely recognized as the best way to treat wrinkles. Unlike some other treatments and procedures, botox is a temporary change that doesn’t alter your appearance forever. It is a noninvasive therapy which takes minimum of your time and strength while providing maximum results. Most of the drugs last for a couple of months, so if you are satisfied with the results, you are able to administer additional shots and prolong the effect. However, in case that you don’t like botox treatment, it is possible to quit after one dosage without any health risk.

               Xeomin is a popular choice for many doctors that are using this therapy. It is based on botulinum toxin which is received from bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Although this is one of the strongest agents in existence (among other causing botulism), scientist have discovered a positive side to it. Basically, this toxin is great for suppressing muscle function. In that regard, it can work as an inhibitor. So, it is possible to use Xeomin to prevent muscle spasms, hyperactive muscles and to reduce wrinkles on our face by neutralizing muscles.

               Even though this drug provides certain benefits when it comes to treatment of various diseases, it is most commonly used for botox procedure. Before Xeomin can be administered, it is necessary for patient to undergo strict examination that will determine whether he is allergic to botulinum or not. Patient also needs to mention if he has history of spasms, heart issues, bleeding disorders, myasthenia gravis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, asthma or some other breathing issue, history of facial procedures, facial muscle weakness or any problem when swallowing. Also, the drug should not be injected into pregnant women or breastfeeding women. It has been discovered that the medicine can have negative impact on child.

               Drug is inserted into body by using needles. According to Medica Depot, procedure is usually very painless and quick (lasts for about 30 minutes). Foreign substances remain within the tissue for three months. After that, it is possible to administer additional shots. However, you shouldn’t use it more often than that. Results are visible after a few days, when your wrinkles slowly start disappearing. If the drug was taken in order to reduce muscle spasms, first results are noticeable after 7 days.

               Although botulinum based drugs have shown wondrous results, both patients and doctors need to be cautious when using the medicine. The fact that Xeomin was made from such a strong substance means that the results will be phenomenal. Unfortunately, at the same time, it can pose quite a safety risk. Side effects of the drug depend on the problem which was treated. If you used Xeomin for cervical dystonia, you might exhibit muscle or bone pain, neck pain, problems when swallowing and muscle fatigue. People who use it for facial treatment usually experience swelling, pain, itching, redness, discomfort and other changes on your dermis and various irritations. Sometimes, drug can lead to severe problems. If you experience extreme pain, trouble speaking or swallowing, it is necessary to consult doctor immediately.

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