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What an Edmonton Employee Needs to Look At When Inspecting a Safety Harness

Being the owner of a business is one of the most important jobs that a person will take on. There are so many different things that a person will need to consider when trying to keep their employees safe on the job. If the business that you own uses harnesses as part of your safety regimen, then you will need to take the time to make sure these harnesses are in good shape. Usually, a business owner will designate an employee to handle inspections and isafety fall protection training. Here are some of the things that an employee will need to look for when inspecting harnesses.

The Webbing of the Harness

One of the most important parts of a harness is the webbing. The older that the webbing in the harness gets, the more brittle it will become. By taking the time to assess the type of condition the webbing is in, a business will be able to rest assured knowing their employees are safe using. If the harness webbing begins to fray or become damaged, then the business owner will need to have them replaced.

The Buckle Mechanism

The next thing that a business owner will need to do when trying to keep their harnesses in good shape is to check the buckle mechanism on the harness. In order for the harness to work properly and fit snugly, the buckle will have to work flawlessly. Over the years, the buckle mechanisms on a harness will begin to freeze up and will not work as they should. Proper fall protection training teaches that the buckle has to be fastened in order for the full level of protection to be achieved. Getting the buckles replaced when they are damaged in a hurry will ensure the harnesses do the job that they are intended to.

Fit Testing the Harnesses

Another very important thing that a business owner will have to consider when trying to keep their harnesses in good shape is to fit test each employee. The last thing that a business owner needs is a harness that does not fit snuggly due to the danger that it can pose. Taking the time to get this type of fit testing done will make things much safer around your place of work. Be sure to contact the professionals to help you during this type of fitting to ensure the right results are achieved.

The time that a business owner puts into this process will be more than worth it. Getting help can ensure the process is done the right way.

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