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Tips on Staying Healthy while Traveling Recommended by Travel Insurance Companies

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When you are traveling on business or leisure, it is extremely important to stay healthy as otherwise your trip could easily go to waste causing great hardship and financial loss. Most travelers do not even realize the extent of the hazards in the general environment that they are exposed to because many of the most deadly are unfortunately invisible to the naked eye. Staying healthy cannot be taken for granted and requires a conscious effort from those who are traveling to be especially aware of the environment and the hazards they can be exposed to. Trip preparation essentials should invariably include personal hygiene and wellness items as well as good habits. Some practical tips that can save you from ruining your trip due to medical reasons:

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Drink Only Bottled Water

One of the easiest ways of falling prey to tummy problems is by drinking water that is not safe. Water for drinking straight from the tap may be a reality for most Americans, but it can be really hazardous to do so in other parts of the world, especially Asia and Africa. Tap water will invariably contain germs that will create havoc with your travel plans. Even though it may seem expensive and inconvenient, it is mandatory that you only drink bottled water and that too brands that you recognize and trust. If you do need to consume local brands then ask your friends or colleagues for their recommendations. Always make sure that the bottle is sealed, and that it is within the expiry date; when in doubt do not consume and opt for tea or coffee instead. Carry a bottle of water with you at all times. Drinking bottled water is always on the top of the list of travel recommendations of every travel insurance company.

Keep a Hand Sanitizer Handy

While traveling, it is very important that you do not relax on the issue of personal hygiene. All the places you visit may not be well equipped with the facilities that you are accustomed to, consequently, there could be situations where it could be even difficult to wash your hands, or even if water is available it may not be very clean and meet the health standards you would expect it to. When faced with sort of a situation, it is best to clean your hands with an alcohol-based sanitizer. Make it habit to keep a small bottle in your toiletry kit. Even when on flights you can carry a TSA-friendly bottle in your hand baggage so that you are always protected against germs, especially when you need to have food after visiting the plane’s toilet.

Use a Bug Spray

One of the most common ways people fall ill when traveling, especially in warmer countries and places, is due to a mosquito bite. Mosquito and other vectors are carriers of a large number of diseases like malaria, dengue, or even Zika that can not only completely ruin your trip but also in some instances be life-threatening. Make sure that your mosquito repellant has an active ingredient by the name of DEET as it has been found to be most effective in reducing your chances of being bitten by bugs carrying infections. Mosquito repellants containing DEET can be found in the form of sprays, wipes, lotions and ointments that are TSA-friendly and can be carried in your hand baggage so that you are always prepared.

Use Sunscreens

If you are traveling to a place that is likely to have abundant sunlight, you should make it a point to carry a sunscreen as it can be very easy otherwise to have sunburn. Generally, this item is overlooked by most travelers but you will be really thankful if you make sure that it is a part of your travel kit because not only can sunburn cause extreme discomfort but continued exposure has been linked to skin cancer. Make sure that the SPF factor is at least 30 and that you keep on applying every couple of hours. It is better to use lotions rather than aerosols.

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April Yap

Thursday 19th of May 2016

Thanks fo the tips. It is very useful either for travel or for ordinary day.

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