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Tips for Hazardous Weather Driving

Driving during Hazardous Weather Conditions – Tips to be Safe
There is a common misconception that hazardous road conditions occur during a particular season. This is totally untrue since the weather is beyond our control, and you never know when it will adversely affect the road conditions.

A few examples of dangerous road conditions are:

Spring rain might look beautiful and make our surroundings green, but it can lead to floods and slippery roads that cause vehicles to skid since it is tough to gain traction.
Summer is the relatively safer season, and you can take more drives by keeping windows down, but the heat can damage your tires by making the air inside expand, thereby causing blowouts. Traffic on road is also more during summer.
Fall indicates the onset of winter, and while it is indeed a lovely and colorful season, the falling leaves lead to slick roads. Rain and fog at this time of the year makes the road slippery and affects visibility as well.
Snow during winter causes slick roads, but the ice underneath is far riskier since it makes it harder to brake, which leads to more spinouts.

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