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Tip Tuesday- Fight The Clutter Part 1

First thing is you will need to accept RESPONSIBILITY for your role in the clutter that is happening in your home.  I made excuse after excuse and blamed my family until I figured out I’m the only one who is bothered by it so I will need to change it.  I used to be a neat freak and then I met my husband.  We used to fight and fight over him being so messy then I realized I can’t change him so I just gave up.  That is when CLUTTER came into my life and it’s been hanging around for the last 10 years.  Okay, so I took the first step….I take the responsibility! 

What is YOUR motivation?  Mine….is I want a house that I can be proud of and not be embarrassed when people stop by.  Now we have to create a One-Month Plan. Go ahead and choose five things you want to organize.  

Here is my list:

  • Desk
  • Kitchen
  • Closet
  • Bookcase 
  • Living Room

We moved a couple months ago and I’m still living in boxes!  Crazy I know.  Seeing these boxes every day is making me depressed.  I need them to be gone but at this point I’m just lost on what to do. I need to focus on what I want each area to look like and make a list of what needs to happen to accomplish that look. Make organizing a part of your daily life- Do it first and Do it fast! 

Today I got rid of 3 boxes and let me tell you it changed my whole mood.  I was super sad and tired thenI emptied the boxes and that little area looked so good.  After that 30 minutes out of my time, I felt so much better.  I need to do that every day- at least 30 minutes of decluttering! 

I need to get the FAMILY involved too. Maybe we can have Garage Sale and pay for a family vacation we didn’t get this summer due to our move. Get rid of a lot of stuff we are not using or need.  I know we did a little before we moved but now I want to do it again.  

I also want to stay on top of my daily chores~ dishes, laundry, and room cleaned.  I need to COMMIT at set time every day on uncluttering and organizing. Put it in the calendar- schedule an decluttering appointment 3-4x a week.  If I do that for a couple weeks I think I can catch up on my house and feel so much better.  Now I have to think of a reward…yes a reward.  I think if I keep up the good work than I can get my nails done! What would be your reward?  

Here is what to do this week:

  • Take responsibility
  • What is your motivation?
  • Create a One-Month Plan 
  • Get Family Involved
  • Commit to doing something 3-4 a week (every day is better)
  • Reward yourself if you complete the above steps! 

Next week Part 2! 


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