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Three Different Causes of Ear Pain in Adults and Kids

Ear pain can be deeply annoying. It can stop you from sleeping, make it painful to eat, and even affect your balance. While there are lots of ways to treat ear pain, using both prescription and over the counter medicine, it is important to know the underlying cause of your pain before you attempt to treat it with anything other than standard painkillers like paracetamol or ibuprofen. There is no use in reaching for an online Ciprodex coupon if your ear pain is actually related to your teeth, however, in most cases, prescription drugs will clear up your ear pain faster than things you can buy at the pharmacy normally. If you have a prescription for ear medicine, you can check out Medication Discount Code for a free, easy way anybody in the US can get discounts on prescription drugs.

Here are three common causes of ear pain in both adults and children:

Dental Problems

While it may seem strange, problems with the back teeth can actually manifest themselves as what feels like an earache. This is more common in adults as a result of issues with the wisdom teeth, but can occur in children too or in people who have already had their wisdom teeth removed, if the existing back teeth have cavities or an abscess. In children, when the back teeth become loose this can also cause ear pain. If you or your child are experiencing ear pain accompanied by a toothache, then unless there is a loose back tooth in children, it is important to see a dentist. If it is just a loose tooth causing the pain, this can be treated with aspirin or another painkiller appropriate for kids, or with cloves as a home remedy. The pain will go away once the tooth comes out. If there is no tooth pain in adults, the ear pain may still be caused by wisdom teeth, so it could still be worth a visit to your dentist.

Viral or Bacterial Infections

Some viruses like herpes simplex and chickenpox can affect the ear. In these cases, you will need to see a doctor who will be able to help you treat the symptoms until the virus goes away. Bacterial infections are another cause, which is easier to treat as they can be cured with antibiotics, either taken orally or used as ear drops like Ciprodex.


Ear wax can become compacted and cause ear pain and hearing problems. This can happen in both adults and children, and while it can often be prevented by regularly cleaning the inside of the ear, sometimes wax build up is unavoidable. This can be treated with over the counter ear drops that soften the wax. However, the best solution is usually to have the ears syringed at the doctor’s office.

These are the three most common reasons why both adults and kids experience an earache, and what to do about each of them should they happen to you.

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