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Solving the Puzzles of Life in a Playful Manner

Puzzles have existed since the advent of time have often been used to test the cognitive abilities of a person. It often requires a set of mathematical or logistical problems and many forms of research to create an intriguing set. Puzzles are of various types and appeal to people of all age groups and intellect. The patterns and designs are different and tell stories or unlock codes and mysteries. People with high levels of inductive reasoning and aptitude have a greater affinity to solve puzzles and riddles. Deductive skills also improve over time and practice makes everyone perfect. Some of the famous creators of puzzles include Sam Loyd, Henry Dudeney, Boris Kordemsky and Martin Gardner.

Types of puzzles

An evoker of curiosity and courage, puzzles unleash the hidden potential of a player and makes the brains sharper and stronger. There are a lot of puzzles available in the market today and the most commons ones are the jigsaw puzzle, Rubik’s cube, chess, soma cube etc. The unifying pattern which blends them all is the ability to deduce a hidden mystery. For example, chess puzzles include knight’s tour or eight queen’s puzzle which unveil clues and mysteries that follow. Rubik’s cube lead to codes which further evokes curiosity and the ability to solve further. There are geometric puzzles also which are offered by Japanese mathematicians which unveil small codes using numbers. There are word puzzles available which are cryptic in nature and often give way to hidden messages. Da Vinci was a creator of cryptogram which often had a hidden message in a glass vial floating in vinegar. Upon understanding the code and entering the right twist to the device you get the message. Puzzles are extremely and engrossing and fascinating and make you think.

Puzzles and children

As kids, we enjoy sitting and solving puzzles and missing words and even arranging fragmented pieces of jigsaw board. Jigsaw puzzles are widely used by parents to engage their kids and make them self-efficient. The environment gets extremely intense and engaging as your kids sit to solve the puzzle. Puzzles are usually single player and act as an excellent catch point for your kid to sharpen his skills in a lone environment. He not only becomes calculative but also understands life better with cognitive skills and abilities. Jigsaw puzzles are usually two-sided and give a double kick to your kid to solve and play. With outdoor time reducing in size due to school pressure, puzzles are a blessing. There are even a number of 1500 piece jigsaw puzzles on the market too.

Better parenting

Puzzles have a tendency to make your kids patient and reduce ADHD in them. Some kids might exhibit mild forms of ADHD and puzzles have the tendency of slowing them down. They get engrossed in the visuals and pictures of kings and kingdoms and sceneries which entice them. It has the ability to transport them to a different world where they unleash their imagination. The tasks of fitting the pieces into the right ridges make them observe and understand the gap. This, in the long run, gives way to smarter individuals with a bright future.

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