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Razor Bumps Beware Private Rx Will Make You Go Away


“Razor burn is an uncomfortable and unpleasant looking skin condition that can occur after shaving your vaginal area, legs, underarms or other body parts. Even though pretty common and generally not dangerous it can turn into Folliculitis, an inflammation of the hair follicles.  Razor burn is generally caused by too much pressure on the blade. Only surface hair can be removed by a razor, putting more pressure to get the hair out that are deeper will not work.  Razor bumps are small, irritated bumps. They happen after you shave, when strands of hair become ingrown (Ingrown hairs: strands of hair that curl back on themselves and grow into the skin.) That causes irritation and pimples.”

Cooling Pads

When you shave your “delicate” parts you can get razor burn. And let me tell you, it is NOT fun and does not feel good! While these cooling pads will help you cleanse and calm the “delicate” skin after you have shaved or waxed. And helping to relieve irritation and working to prevent razor bumps. And let me tell you if you have EVER had razor bumps you KNOW how much they hurt and itch!

Directions: After hair removal, wipe the affected area, And then use as part of your wax or shaving aftercare. External use only.

Soothing Serum

The women in my family have very sensitive skin. So we are always looking for something to help relieve the pain and irritation from shaving. PrivateRx Soothing Serum is a super moisturizing aftercare product that will help prevent irritation and ingrown hair that can happen with you shave or wax. I have to say I love this serum! It helps to lock in moisture on the delicate skin. And as I have stated I need help! My skin is so dry but now I can feel relief. While preventing ingrown hair and offering long-lasting comfort. 

Dr. Blatt’s Shaving Tips

Do not use an old razor.
Do not share your razor.
Wait long enough for your skin to get moist before shaving.
Exfoliate to remove dead skin before shaving.
Use a very gentle exfoliate after shaving.
Use a moisturizing product to lock in moisture after shaving.
Stretch out the time between shaving.
Shave at night. Our bodies regroup and heal during sleep.

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