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The Main Causes Of Back Pain That You Should Know

If you have ever suffered from back pain, then you know that it is one of the most excruciating types of pain that one can experience. There are different pain killers that are very effective in treating back pain, but some people prefer chiropractic treatment.

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Sometimes back pain can be caused by everyday activities, and in other cases it is caused by underlying conditions which could make it develop into a long-term problem.

The following are some common causes of back-pain arising from underlying medical conditions.

  1. a) The abnormal curve of the spine

If you have a condition where your spine curves abnormally, for example it curves to one side, then you will experience back pain.

  1. b) A ruptured disk

If there is one disk on the vertebrae on your back that’s ruptured, then there will be pain because the nerves will be under pressure.

  1. c) A cancerous growth on the spine

If there is a tumor located on the spine, then it will definitely cause a lot of back pain.

  1. d) Osteoporosis

For those who suffer from osteoporosis, there is a high chance of having back pain. This is because the disease makes the bones brittle, including those on the spine, causing them to break easily.

  1. e) Infections

The spine could be infected directly, or there could be other infections in the body such as pelvic inflammatory disease among women, that could cause back pain.

  1. f) A bulging disk

Bulging disks of the vertebrae can cause a lot of pressure on the nerves and therefore cause immense pain.

  1. e) Arthritis

For those who suffer from arthritis, there is a high possibility of having back pain because the joint pain caused by arthritis includes the back. The bones also experience stiffness and this causes immense pain.

Apart from the above medical conditions that are known to cause back pain, there are also everyday lifestyle situations that can cause pain. Some of these are given below.

  • The straining of the back because of carrying a heavy load, or carrying it improperly, can cause a lot of pain.
  • Sleeping on a bad mattress that does not support the back properly can also cause back pain. It’s important to sleep on a very firm mattress that gives maximum support.
  • If you have a poor posture, especially when sitting, this can lead to back pain. Learn to sit and stand with a straight back. Never remain seated in a hunched position for most of the day.
  • Pregnancy usually comes with back pain, so pregnant women suffer from pain in their back quite often.
  • Obesity can easily cause back pain. This is because of the extra weight exerted by the big body on the back. This can cause back pain.
  • Stress and anxiety have been known to cause many conditions, and back pain is one of them.
  • Standing for long periods of time can also cause pain in the back.

In view of the above factors, it’s important to be careful to avoid the things that will cause you to suffer from pain in the back. Prevention is better than cure.


Gerald Hurst is an expert in various types of pain, and their remedies. He has specifically researched widely on the subject of chiropractic treatment. He loves watching healthy related TV programs during his free time. Visit his blog for more information.

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