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How To Keep Your New Car Clean

Your new car is like a treasure, and you just can’t see it getting soiled and dirty. Here are a few tips that can help you keep your new car clean for longer.

Don’t eat inside the car:

No matter how careful you are while eating, you may end up with some spills, oily hand prints, glass and container marks on the surfaces etc. So, as far as possible, avoid eating inside the car. I know it can be hard but this will keep your new car clean longer.

Wax it every now and then:

Waxing may need you to spend some money and time, but this investment is really worth paying off. When you wax your car, the washing process for the next time becomes easier, and it stays shining for longer.

Clean your shoes:

Whenever it is muddy or snowy outside, knock your shoes before entering the car. Your car will still get dirty, but knocking off the extra mud or snow can make a huge difference

Vacuum it, keep your new car clean:

Everyone knows we can’t help but get dirt on our shoes. And if you are like me, I can’t stand seeing all that dirt inside my car. So at least once a week, vacuum your car using your home vacuum or go to a nearby auto detailing spot, they usually have outside vacuum’s you can use for a small price.

Wash it:

I know washing your car can be a tedious job, but keeping it clean on the outside, gives you a great feeling. When you see your new car clean, it makes you feel proud. You can either wash it at home if you are able, or bring it to a self-service car wash. Having an hour on the weekends washing the car can also be a form of exercise. So grab a Greenworks pressure washer and start giving your car a fresh look. Make sure you know how and where to use the pressure washer to avoid damages to the car. Keeping the car clean on the outside, as well as the inside will keep your car looking new longer.

Think about where you park:

Park your car in the garage if you have one. If not make sure to avoid parking it under trees, power lines, or other areas that birds perch on. Tree sap, bird droppings can quickly damage your paint.

Clean the Interior the right way:

Cleaning the interior will make the car stay young longer. But you need to make sure you use the right interior cleaners. the wrong cleaner on the wrong material could cause damage. Cars have so many types of materials inside: vinyl, rubber, leather, cloth, and metal, so make sure you know everything about the product you are using. Clean it at least once a month.

Check out Newark Chrysler Jeep Dodge if you are looking for a new and or used car.

What do you do to keep your new car clean? let us know below!

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