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Halloween Candy Alternatives

I love that my neighborhood is full of trick-or-treaters every year. Our area never fails to have children coming up to our doorstep, decked out in the best costumes with their bags wide opened, politely requesting for their well-deserved treats (we don’t hand out tricks in my household!).

While candy is always fun to hand out, I’ve been looking at candy-alternatives to give the neighborhood kids some variety. Especially nowadays, where allergies are becoming more and more common, I run a smaller risk in handing out something non-food related.

Halloween Candy Alternatives

Here are some of my ideas for candy alternatives:

Temporary Tattoos and Stickers:

Kids always have a blast with temporary tattoos and stickers. You can stick with a Halloween theme to get them into the celebration’s spirit or, opt for some generic ones that will last throughout the entire year. What’s great is that handouts like these will allow for some trading and collecting.

Comic Books

I once handed out comic books for Halloween and we were probably the most popular house on the block! Not only are you saving some kids from a few cavities, but you’re also encouraging a form of literature – which is better than none at all.

Glow Sticks

Glow sticks come in all sorts of shapes, sizes and colors. They’re budget-friendly and kids will appreciate receiving such a cool item in their Halloween bag. Not to mention, if you purchase the ones that could be sported as necklaces and bracelets, then they could wear it right away and be extra safe and extra visible on Halloween night.


I am set to bring yo-yo’s back on trend by handing them out this year. They can provide hours of entertainment and it’s something that kids can use over and over again (unlike candy that only really lasts a few days/weeks – depending on how much they eat over time). As a matter of fact, any pocket toys make great Halloween handouts: whistles, a small slinky, miniature Rubik’s cube, etc. Kids will have a blast with them (much like we did when we were younger) and many of them may actually go into discovery mode. You may be introducing classic games to some of them without even realizing it!

Trading Cards

How awesome would it be to find trading cards in your sack of Halloween treats? Many sports, popular television characters, cartoons, etc. have some form of trading cards memorabilia and they make for great Halloween handouts. Just like with the tattoos and stickers, you may even end up inspiring a whole new collection for some kids!
What do you like handing out for Halloween? Have you ever tried handing out non-candy items? Tell me all about it in the comments below!

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