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How To Get Rid Of Rats For Good

If you’re unwillingly sharing your home with a family of rats, you’re probably desperate for a solution. Rats are a very common problem. You often hear people say that you’re never too far from a rat, and unfortunately, this often turns out to be true. If you’re living with rats, here are some tips to help you banish them for good.

Detecting a rat infestation

Rats are crafty creatures and you often live with them for weeks without ever seeing one. They tend to dart around, and they are most active during the night when you’re sound asleep. The most common signs to look out for are droppings, footprints and holes. You may also be able to hear scratching noises.

Rats can produce a lot of droppings in a short space of time. They tend to focus on specific areas, so you’ll often find collections of droppings, rather than random deposits. If you have a loft, you may find that this is where your rat visitors are hanging out. Rats are very agile and they can climb well. Listen out for noises, particularly during the night. If your bedroom is below the loft, you’ll often be able to hear them scurrying about. As well as being good climbers, rats are also renowned builders and foragers. If you have rats, you may notice holes and nests. They dig holes and create a network, which enables them to travel and transport food discreetly.


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Dealing with rats

If you think you may have rats make sure you don’t leave food lying around and try to keep windows and doors closed. Rats can be tricky to get rid of, and it’s usually best to call an expert rat control company. You can out traps down and try and cover up holes, but you may run the risk of rats returning. If you call in the professionals, they will take care of all aspects of the problem for you. They’ll kill the rats, clean your rooms and take steps to rat-proof your home and prevent future infestations.

The dangers of rats

Most of us aren’t keen on the idea of sharing our homes with rats. Not only can scuttling and scratching keep us awake at night, but rats can also be harmful. Rats carry diseases, including leptospirosis. This is a bacterial infection, which is spread through contact with animal urine. Symptoms are usually similar to flu. However, in more severe cases, symptoms can be life-threatening. In the case of Weil’s disease, an advanced form of leptospirosis, complications may arise. These may include breathing difficulties, organ failure and internal bleeding. If you think you may have developed an illness as a result of a rat infestation at home, seek advice from your doctor.

If you think you’ve got rats at home, it’s best to act quickly and nip the problem in the bud. Leaving a rat infestation could increase the number of rats living in your home, and elevate the risk of health complications. Call in the experts, and you can enjoy peace of mind that you’ve got rid of those pesky rats for good.

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