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How Free Education Apps Are Useful For Students

There are a variety of factors that make education apps enormously useful for students of all ages. One significant benefit is that many education apps don’t cost any money, so they are viable from an economic standpoint. Unlike purchasing a book or having to pay for some other programmer, users of free education apps can take advantage of a huge range of information without having to spend a cent. This makes education apps accessible to a lot of people who wouldn’t otherwise have access to certain types of learning.

Education apps can be social. Students can sync up their apps to one another’s and post their scores on quizzes and their success in passing levels of knowledge acquisition. This makes learning feel a lot more like a game and less like a chore. Education apps also allow students to work on their own time, and students who once used to idle away on their mobile phones by using Facebook and Candy Crush can now put their down time to good use by playing a few rounds of quiz games. It’s amazing how much time gets wasted on social and gaming sites, so to provide student’s brains with a respite from dry, formal schooling and allowing them a bit of play, while they continue to absorb information.

Education apps are incredibly helpful for students who want an additional way to review and get a second access point for information that they have learned in their classroom. Sometimes the way that the teacher presented information just doesn’t stick in your mind, and that’s okay – not all people learn the same way. For students who want to move their grades up a level, education apps help to solidify knowledge and even to provide extra background information. Some schools actually even recommend the use of education apps and have lists of free tools that match their own curriculum. Click here for more info.

Language learning apps are one especially useful type of education app, because unlike with typical language learning courses, they don’t require the presence of an expert speaker. While an old-fashioned language learning CD or cassette set is certainly better than trying to learn pronunciation from a book that has no guidelines, a language learning app takes it an extra step further by allowing students to speak into the microphone of their phone or tablet and be evaluated for pronunciation based on their audio input. This is great for practicing a foreign language at home when the teacher isn’t there to counsel a student on their pronunciation skills, and it also opens an entire new pathway for a multitude of language skills that might not be offered by the student’s formal school system at all.

Worried about a language learning app not having the same credential weight as a course? Well, some have actually released their own certification programs, so learners on these apps can now put their ability on a CV. Education has never been cheaper, more fun, or more effective!

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