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Fall Calls for “Time-Out”: 6 Simple Work & Relaxation Tips for Daily Use

Photo by Leslie Sovago-Royal (aka “The Best MIL Ever”). All rights apply.

If you’re a fall lover such as myself, you greet summer’s end without hesitation and graciously invite both fall & winter’s innate hibernation characteristics that slows the world down a bit and keeps us warmly connected inside the home. That is what fall & winter represents to me, but I must admit I’m having a hard time turning off the “GO” switch and finding enough hours in the day to get it all done with a possible pinch of “me-time” at the end of each day. In case your finding it hard as well here are a few of the best recommended relaxation tips that can provide much needed relief.

Daily Top 3’s
Write down your top 3 tasks to get done for the day. Get those done. Once complete take a moment to breathe (preferably 30mins-1 hour) then feel free to work on any other (less important) tasks needing attention.

One Thing at a Time
Often times while in the middle of working one task I’m already thinking of my next task or the “backed up” tasks I didn’t complete the day before. I lose focus with the current task which slows me down or I feel totally stressed, guilty, and defeated by the time I’ve FINALLY finished the current task. STOP THE MADNESS, STOP THE SELF-ABUSE. Focus 100% on what it is you’re doing at that very moment and you’ll find you work more effeminately, effortlessly, and the clock with fly by (in a good way for once).

Don’t Procrastinate, Do It Now
I’m HUGE procrastinator, always have been, probably always will be. I hate that about myself but I just can’t seem to stop. I’ve become much better with age but it’s still a daily battle for me. I’m more of a “enjoy now, stress later” kind of person and I will say I can usually produce some of my best work when I’m under the gun BUT the exhaustive crash afterwards and stressful buildup throughout can’t be good for my health. Not for your either if you’re a fellow procrastinator. We need to break the cycle. Get it done, and be done! It always feels sooo much better once it’s done doesn’t it.

Make Use of the Word “No”, and Don’t Apologize When You Do
I struggle with saying “no” to people, especially to friends and family which is craziness since they’re more likely the ones that give me a pass to actually say “no” to requests. Example, this past Sunday I really needed to get work done but the family wanted to take me out instead. Responsible Amanda knew I should say “no” but Irresponsible & Procrastinating Amanda preferred to relax and have family time instead which was nice but put me in a pinch later on when it was finally time to work hours later. I went to dinner for a multitude of selfish reason AS WELL AS the need to please others and not disappoint which can become unhealthy. Stop it, you’re the only one paying for it at the end of the day.

Make small efforts. I’m usually GLUED to my email inbox, constantly checking for updates in case something requires a quick response. In an effort to focus while I wrote this article I first typed it in Windows Word, instead of the online blog dashboard as usual because I knew I’d constantly be looking at my online inbox tab for new updates. This is the first time in weeks (so sad to admit) that I’ve reframed from checking my email for an entire hour! So proud of myself and time really had flown by (in a good way) and it feels good to prove to myself that I can disconnect, relax (listening to soothing background music as I type), and get work done at the same time.

Work Hard. Relax Hard.
Because I purposefully disconnected before starting to write this very post I’m reaching completion in under an hour, a recent record for me! I feel so good about it, I know it’s precisely written, and even more exhilarating is the sense of peace washing over me because I know I’ve completed the task. Yay me! Now I can take a breather and not rush into completing the next task on my checklist.

“I really hope these small tips will help make a difference in your day-to-day lives. Today feels good because I’ve made these efforts but keeping stock of these on a long term is the hard part. I’m going to print these tips out and hang around the house myself as personal reminders. You should do the same!”


Amanda Sovago-Royal

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