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Be The Best You Can Be: Establishing Good Practices

It’s not easy navigating life in the 21st century. There’s a lot we have to keep our mind on: work, bills, maintaining a social life, keeping abreast of world news and politics, and so on. In between all those things, it’s no wonder that the one person we should be keeping in tip top condition – ourselves – is sometimes left behind. While it’s all too easy to fall into autopilot mode, doing so only keeps us from being the very best version of ourselves. If you think you’re guilty of this, then congratulations – many people don’t realize they’ve stopped moving forward. Here’s how you can change it.


The Morning Routine

The day doesn’t start after your morning coffee or at whichever point during the day you finally feel awake: it begins when you open your eyes. How many mornings in the past month have you woken up and been excited about the day ahead? OK…now how many mornings have you felt tired and unmotivated? In all likelihood, your attitude towards the morning is what’s wrong – not the morning itself. Get into the habit of waking early and take control of your morning. It’s hard to rise from bed an hour earlier than you need to, but your body will soon adjust and you’ll be amazed at how nice it is to have more time in the morning to yourself.

Once that’s down, add another change to your morning routine – take a cold shower. There are plenty of benefits to going cold, but the main reason is the feeling you’ll have when you step out; you’ll feel alert, energized, and ready for the day. This is harder than getting out of bed early but after a few days you’ll wonder how you lived without it.

Taking Care of What’s Yours

Our home is a representation of who we are. If it’s messy, it shows we’re a bit lazy.  This can be changed, however, as long as we take control of what’s ours. Rubbish removal and scrubbing the floors might not be the most pleasant task, but it is part of life, and it’s usually just a ‘can’t be bothered’ attitude that stops us in the first place. Take the time to really look after your home and your possessions and you’ll soon find that you gain a sense of pride at taking responsibility. Things begin at the ground: if the basics are taken care of, we’re in a position to move forward in other areas of our life too.

Eat Well, Live Well

Many people have a complicated relationship with food. They want to eat well, but they either don’t have the time, don’t know how, or both. Yet food makes up the building blocks of who we are; you really are what you eat. Eat healthy and you’ll notice the change. You’ll feel more alert, your health will improve, and you’ll also learn a new skill along the way! Making nutritious meals really isn’t as difficult as you think, and can be done in next to no time at all. Like a good start to the day, a shift to a healthy diet will reap benefits you don’t even realize yet.

Cutting Out The Bad Stuff

All humans are drawn to things that are bad for us from time to time, and some are drawn daily. Some bad things, such as smoking and excessive drinking, are obvious, while others are presented as normal but actually have a harmful effect on who we are. Too much screen time or internet usage is essentially an addiction by another name. The whole society is addicted, which makes it appear normal, but think of what you might achieve if the time you spent staring at your smartphone was spent doing something productive! Be warned, however – this one is harder than you think, mostly because many people are more wrapped up in their technology than they realize.

All About The Attitude

These are starting tips to establishing good practices; there are many more you could incorporate into your life. Bettering yourself can take many forms, but the most significant change you can make is your own attitude. Face the world with gusto and you’ll achieve great things. Jump out of bed and the morning and say, “Cold shower? Sounds fantastic!”, or “tidy the house? Let’s go!”. Even if you don’t believe it first time, it’ll eventually become part of your personality – and everybody loves a person with a positive, can do attitude. Who knows what you’ll be able to achieve?


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