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Agate Publishing Newest Release And Greatest Books To Read

Agate Publishing

Early Sunday Morning 

“Early Sunday Morning follows a little girl through her weekend routine, which she shares with Mommy, Daddy, and brother Troy as she prepares for a special performance leading the children’s choir at church on Sunday morning. As she collects advice on how to be less nervous about her big solo, she visits the barbershop with Mommy and Troy, gets her hair done by Mommy, receives a special dress from her aunt, and shares in her family ritual of getting ready for Sunday morning service. “

Agate Publishing

So much about this book that I love! While reading to my grandkids they started to understand the meaning of family when you really need them. While preparing for her special performance she get her hair done by her mom. And gets a special dress from her aunt and then shares her family ritual of getting ready for Sunday service. This book installs family values. And let’s you know that your family is who you depend on to get you ready for anything.

My Brown Baby: On the Joys and Challenges of Raising African American Children

“My Brown Baby is the introductory title from Denene Millner Books, a new line of young reader books. Published under its Bolden Books imprint, which is devoted to the work of African American writers. Millner calls Denene Millner Books “a love letter to children of color. Who deserve to see their beauty and humanity” reflected in books. My Brown Baby will help readers get to know Millner, a parenting authority and the director of this new line. Who has written extensively about the joys, fears, sorrows, and triumphs of motherhood.”

Agate Publishing

This book was an eye opening read for myself. While I am white and have mixed ( white and black ) children, this book was an amazing read. So, I understand about raising “brown babies”. Because even though I am white ( their mother ) they are perceived as brown ( black ) adults. I raised my kids with love and let them know and experience both sides of their families. Because I have always told them – they are the best of both worlds. But all parents – black/white/red/yellow – all want the same for their kids. Love and acceptance. This is a must read for anyone that has a child “different’ than themselves. 

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