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6 Items You Need To Do Yoga At Home

6 Items You Need To Do Yoga At HomeSpring time is almost here, and I’ve decided I need to do Yoga at home. 

I love doing yoga at home because I can do at my pace and if I make a mistake no one knows but ME!  But that is okay because yoga is something I can do by myself and at home.  I’m a big ball of stress that needs to relax and what better way is yoga! 

Now don’t get me wrong, going to classes can be enjoyable but I’m just not the public class type of girl.  Bad memories from high school have created my dislike of working out in front of other people. I have given classes a try, and my BFF is a yoga instructor and has made yoga her life, I’m just not that girl! But let me do yoga at home, I’m all over that! 

Here are some items you will need for home yoga. 

  1. Space!  Pretty important I say.  My living room is where I practice yoga at in the mornings, but when it is nice out, I go outside.  Seems more natural and peaceful (minus the sirens, buses, and people yelling- yes I live in a big city) sometimes.  Make sure you have enough space to do your stretches and if there is a wall even better! Plus I like to do yoga early in the morning when my family is still sleeping or in the afternoon when they are gone.
  2. Yoga Mat!  Yes, this is important too!  I used to use a towel, and that just didn’t cut it, and if you go to class, you need your mat (Ewww gross using one that a lot of people use- just my opinion) My favorite yoga mat to use is the Hugger Mugger. It has a superior grip on both sides of the mat.  Excellent cushion and shock absorption.  Plus it is made from renewable, natural rubber! Eco Para Rubber Mat. Plus I love purple, so I feel good when I’m using the Hugger Mugger Mat. 
  3. Candle. I love candles so anytime I feel I need to relax I light my Lavender Candle.  Now this is not a must have but for me, I like to light a candle while doing my yoga at home.  
  4. Yoga Block.  At first, I didn’t quite understand what the block was for, but after doing yoga for a bit, yes I need the block to do certain poses. Now Hugger Mugger also carries a Cork Yoga Block that the natural texture provides traction, and the block’s rounded edges make it comfortable in supported poses. 
  5. At Home Yoga Class.  I use which comes with my cable package, and there are so many different classes to do- from beginner yoga to advanced yoga. I can also watch it on my phone when I go outside to do my yoga. All you need to do is do a search and find the class that fits your style.  

Now a word of advice….give your body time to relax after yoga.  Sitting down with my water and my journal is my favorite part of the day.  I take this time to write my to-do list for the day or things that are in my head. Doing this has made a big difference in my day for sure! 

Please check out Hugger Mugger in our Spring Guide plus other amazing products! 

Do you have any advice on doing Yoga at home? Please leave a comment and let us know! 

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