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5 Things you Should Know About a Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck as it is commonly known, is a proven way to remove excess fat and skin from the abdominal area and is a preferred method for those who are unable to do this through regular exercise. This tummy tuck Austin plastic surgery procedure can also restore damaged abdominal muscles, especially in women after childbirth. If you are contemplating having a tummy tuck, here are some points to bear in mind.

  1. Plan for Sufficient Recovery Time – If you are planning to undergo a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), you should allow a minimum of two weeks doing absolutely nothing. You will need to take that time off work, and also have someone at home to wait on you for a while, as even the smallest task can be a strain on those delicate stomach muscles. It is vital that you do not strain these muscles during the first few weeks after the surgery, so have your partner near at hand and don’t be shy about asking for assistance. The human body always requires adequate rest time in order to heal correctly, and rushing this might cause complications.
  2. Consult an Experienced Plastic Surgeon – It isn’t enough for the surgeon to be qualified, you really should look for a surgeon that specialises in this field of cosmetic surgery. The difference between a good job and a nightmare rests with the surgeon’s skills, and bearing in mind a tummy tuck is irreversible, it pays to consult with the best available clinic. There are affordable clinics online, and a simple search should reveal the location of a reputable clinic nearby, and with a free consultation, you can get the benefit of the surgeon’s advice.
  3. Stable Weight – It is important that your weight is stable for a few months prior to the surgery, and it might not be a good idea to have the operation if your weight is fluctuating. If you live in Western Australia, there are tummy tucks in Perth with experienced surgeons who can advise whether or not a tummy tuck is the best solution.
  4. There Will Be a Scar – Unfortunately, this type of surgery involves cutting horizontally across the abdomen, and the surgeon would make the incision below the bikini line, and over time, the scar tissue will gradually fade. If the surgeon performed the operation correctly, the scar line would be minimal, and certainly not visible above the panty line.
  5. Promote Healing – Eating nutritious foods will accelerate the natural healing process and your cosmetic surgeon can suggest a suitable diet to aid recovery. After about 3 weeks, you can begin to slowly exercise, and if you are careful, things will be back to normal within a few months and you can lead a normal healthy lifestyle.

This procedure is very popular for women who do not plan to have any more children, and this is something to consider, as any major weight change in the abdominal area could cause problems. The operation is quite straightforward and the recovery time can be as little as two weeks, and many women have a firmer, flatter figure thanks to a tummy tuck.

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Alice Carroll

Tuesday 5th of May 2020

It's good to know that scarring due to a tummy tuck would eventually fade. I'm planning to undergo such a procedure after a lot of failure to lose weight through various diets that I tried throughout the years. I guess I will just try to not wear any revealing swimsuits until the scar fades away.

Sue Thistlethwaite

Wednesday 17th of May 2017

A tummy tuck is an optional plastic surgery process that is done to help squeeze the skin in the stomach area of the body. It is usually not covered by insurance and for that reason the tummy tuck cost is an out of pocket expense. Anyway these are the five basic things you should not about your tummy tuck.

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