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5 Natural Ways To Cleanse Your Body In 50 Days

The human body is designed to cleanse naturally. Our bodies are capable of defending themselves against most of the environmental toxins. But we’re now dealing with massive amounts of toxins than any other generation before. Whereas extreme body cleansing practices may end up being harmful, sometimes the body needs extra help.

How to cleanse your body in 50 days;

Eat naturally detoxifying foods

Adding foods that help you naturally detoxify to your diet is extremely important. Some of the best detoxing foods include;

Fruits: Fruits are high in fiber and liquid content. They help cleanse the body of toxins. Fruits can be digested easily and they are nutrient rich, which is a bonus to the cleansing process.

Citrus fruits: Limes, oranges and lemons help the body flush out toxins, they also help the body jumpstart the digestive system through enzymatic processes. Lemon juice is also useful in aiding the liver in the detoxing process. Drinking a glass of warm lemon juice every morning is a great way of cleansing your body.

Veggies: Your digestive system gets a chlorophyll-boost every time you eat greens; they also help cleanse the system. Other foods like carrots, broccoli, kale, beet, cauliflower, turmeric, asparagus, cabbage, brussel spouts also help a great deal in cleansing your body.

Garlic; Garlic stimulates the liver into producing enzymes that filter toxins. New Jersey’s gastroenterology specialist recommends eating green vegetables

Apple and Ginger cleanse

This type of cleansing is quite intense. To make the Apple and ginger cleanse, combine a teaspoon of ground ginger, ground psyllium husk and with organic apple juice.  Mix well with a spoon or blend it. Drink the mixture and continue to drink lots of water throughout the day.

Lemonade cleanse

Also known as the ‘master cleanse’, the lemonade cleanse is quite popular.  Lemonade cleanse is a drink made out of lemon juice, cayenne pepper, maple syrup, and water. The lemonade cleanse is meant to be consumed exclusively for a period of three to ten days. The cleanse process is intended to aid weight loss system and detoxification process, which effectively flush toxins from the body. To make a glass of lemonade cleanse, mix half teaspoon of cayenne pepper, four teaspoons of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of maple syrup and a glass of water.

Cut sugar intake

A seasonal detox is an effective way of cleansing your body, it speeds and up metabolism and effectively enhances your health. You should start your detox by decreasing the amount of sugar you consume.  The more sugar you consume, the more insulin you need, this strains your pancreas and wears you out. In the long-term, too much sugar consumption can lead to chronic fatigue, diabetes and you may even develop cancer and excessive weight.


Regular exercise improves circulation in your blood and lymph system. Exercising also helps lubricate your joints, reduces tension, enhances your digestion and strengthens your body. People who go out of their ways to exercise and keep fit have fewer toxins in their body.


Drinking water re-hydrates your body, and promotes digestion, which helps the flow of waste from your body.

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Friday 7th of December 2018

I don't think lemon cleanse is that popular, because if it is, I should have tried it already. Anyway, since now that I've been acquainted about it, I will make it a try. I won't make lemonades this time but lemon cleanser instead.

Andrew Rody

Sunday 22nd of October 2017

Hi Kelly. Your article has a lot of great information. I've been doing cellular cleanses for about 3 years now and I feel amazing when I do them.

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