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5 of the Best Natural Cosmetics

5 of the Best Natural Cosmetics

Many women love beauty care products—some, to the point at which makeup is like armor to them! These women may use makeup products on daily basis, or even more than once in a day. In the long term, this can affect the skin as it absorbs the chemicals present in the products such as phthalates, which have found to cause harm such as infertility, sperm damage, or even birth defects.

Hence, it is important to choose natural cosmetics, which are safe to use and environment friendly, too. Real beauty care products are those that bring out your natural beauty, rather than cover it up. Here are five of the best natural cosmetic ideas to help you keep your skin glowing and healthy. The homemade blends suggested here are completely safe to use and easy to make as all the ingredients are readily available.

  1. Egg and banana for vibrant hair

For shining and healthy hair, you need to give a healthy dose of nutrients to your hair. Mash a banana, mix it with one whole egg, and make a paste. Apply and leave this mixture on your hair for about half an hour.

Wash the mixture off the way you normally wash your hair. This blend acts as a good conditioner too leaving your hair looking gorgeous.

  1. Olive oil Body Scrub

Mix olive oil with sea salt in a ratio of 2 is to 1. This potent body scrub removes all the damaged skin cells leaving your skin looking softer and bright. This is easy to make and does not take much time too.

  1. Homemade nail moisturizer

For glamorous and cute looking nails, soak them in virgin olive oil for about five minutes. The cuticles take on a new shine and your nails will be less susceptible to cracking due to loss of moisture. Apply the oil around the nail cuticle to moisturize the nail. This reduces risk of cracking, splitting and chipping.

  1. Honey and lemon face mask

A blend of lemon juice and raw honey is great for skin care. Apply a mix of one-tablespoon honey and the juice of half a lemon to your face, except in the eye region. Let this rest for half an hour. Wash with warm water and finish with cold-water splash to close the pores.

Before you start any skin care treatment, use a steam wash, to open up and clean the pores. Using all natural cosmetics allow you pamper your body without worrying about the side effects associated with synthetic, chemical filled products.

  1. Knee and elbow exfoliator

Rub half an orange on your knees and elbows. The orange juice helps soften all the rough and unsightly patches. Leave it for a few minutes and rinse the sticky juice off.

As you can see, you need not resort to expensive and potentially harmful chemical beauty care products to look beautiful and healthy. While the natural cosmetic ideas mentioned above are effective, remember to also include a nutritious and balanced diet, proper sleep and exercise to get all round benefits. Your real beauty will shine only, when you take care of your body properly.

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