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10 Ways To Use Aspirin #tiptuesday


  1. Revive a Dead Car Battery:  Next time you get in your car and have a dead battery- well check your purse or glovebox for ASPIRIN.  Drop two aspirin tablets into the battery itself.  The aspirin’s acetylsalicylic acid will combine with the battery’s sulfuric acid to produce ONE LAST CHARGE.  Just make sure you drive to the closest service station. 
  2. Help Cut Flowers Last Longer:  Put a crushed aspirin in the water before adding the flowers. Change water every few days and add a new aspirin.  It will help flowers stay fresh longer.
  3. Garden Aid:  Grind it up and use as a rooting agent or mix it with water to treat fungus in the soil.  Be careful, though- too much can cause burns or damage to other plants.  Typical dosage is half to a whole tablet in 1 quart of water. 
  4. Remove Egg Stains: Now we all have done it…dropped a little egg on our shirts.  Scrape off as much as you can, and then sponge with WARM water (not hot).  If that doesn’t remove the stain then mix water, cream of tartar, and a crushed aspirin then spread the paste on the stain and leave on for 30 minutes.  Rinse well in warm water. 
  5. Remove Perspiration Stains: Crush two aspirins and mix the powder with 1/2 cup of warm water. Soak the garment for 2-3 hours. 
  6. Restore Hair Color: Dissolve 6-8 aspirins  in a glass of warm water.  Rub the solution thoroughly into your hair and let sit for 10-15 minutes. 
  7. Control Dandruff: Crush 2 aspirins to a fine powder and add it to your shampoo you use when you wash your hair. Leave the mixture on hair for 1-2 minutes, rinse well, and then wash again with regular shampoo. 
  8. Apply to Insect Bites and Stings: Control the inflammation by wetting your skin and rubbing an aspirin over the spot. 
  9. Treat Hard Calluses: Soften those hard calluses on your feet by crushing up six aspirins into a powder, make a paste with 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice and water. Apply this mixture to your feet, wrap foot in warm towel and cover with a plastic bag.  Stay off feet for at least 10 minutes, remove bag and towel, then file down the calluses with a pumice stone. 
  10. Dry Up Pimples:  Crush one aspirin and mix with a little bit of water. Apply the paste to pimple then let sit for a couple of minutes then wash face.  It will reduce the redness and sooth it. 

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Dianna Davis

Tuesday 6th of October 2015

Oh my gosh I had no idea-- what a great thing to have in the house,I dont think I even have any

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